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My heart raced as the plane got ready on the runway to take off. I had wanted to visited New York ever since I was little and watched Home Alone. After the cameras were put away Noah slipped his hand into mine and rubbed the back of my knuckles gently. Somehow it lulled my to sleep and I didn't wake up until I felt the plane land. It was a quick process going through the airport, and soon enough our bags were whisked away by one driver to our hotel while another driver in a bigger limousine took Noah and I as well as the rest of the crew off to explore New York City.

Noah had told me to change into comfortable clothes at the airport, and for me, that mean gym clothes. I made sure I dressed in my overpriced but extra comfortable Gymshark clothing since I was being filmed. (Hey Gymshark, please sponsor me).

And boy was I glad I did when we arrived at Church Street Boxing Gym, one of the very best boxing gyms in flipping New York City. We walked in with the crew and there in front of me stood Rob Piela, a boxing instructor who has taught supermodels like Gigi and Bella Hadid. High key fangirling inside.

He was literally the nicest person ever. Until he made Noah and I suffer through a workout while we were filmed. Two hours later we were both, well mostly me, a sweaty mess. But it felt good to finally show off my skills in the ring.

We had separate showers in the gym locker rooms and I then dressed in a black tank top, denim skirt and some white Nike Air Max's for the rest of the day. It was a sunny day out in New York City. I had dreamed of visiting this place for so long.

It was lunch time by the time we finished at the gym so the car drove us down to Central Park where we had a beautiful picnic on the grass

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It was lunch time by the time we finished at the gym so the car drove us down to Central Park where we had a beautiful picnic on the grass. It was relaxing just to sit in the sun and watch people walk their dogs (or their children) through the park. It was like a little (ok a huge) natural oasis from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was surreal hearing the sounds of horns beeping and pedestrian lights sounding through the thick wall of trees blocking the sight of the actual city.

 It was surreal hearing the sounds of horns beeping and pedestrian lights sounding through the thick wall of trees blocking the sight of the actual city

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The cameramen took footage of Noah and I interacting. We made sure that it wasn't too obvious we were actually together, but it wasn't awkward either. I'm sure Bianca can assume that we were 'civil and polite' for the sake of the show. It was so close to being over anyway seeing as the finale was this weekend. I honestly didn't care who won the date with Noah to whatever ball he had to go (I mean I would be mad at America if they voted Bianca as the winner) because Noah said to me out of all people that he loved me. And I believed him with everything in me.

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