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After breakfast the following morning, Marcus ushered us girls into a conference room near the cafeteria. There were a few crew members lingering around but there were no cameras rolling.

"Hey girls, hope you are all having a good time. I just wanted to give you all a heads up that the first challenge will be held this Wednesday. I would advise everyone to wear clothes that they wouldn't mind getting wet."

Some of the girls looked nervous but only one had the courage to ask what the challenge was.

"It's an academic sort of challenge but we'll be doing it outside. It's going to be a bit different to last season's challenge though with no mud involved". You could hear the collective sigh echo through the room.

Marcus dismissed us which left us to entertain ourselves till Wednesday. I don't think anyone would be bothered to actually try and study for a little challenge. Anyways, from what I remember from last seasons challenge, all the questions were either general knowledge or common sense.

Jordan wanted to go into town for food and I wanted to take some cool photos in town for my blog. Instead of annoying Andre or one of the other drivers, Jordan just ordered another Uber and we headed in.

We stopped by a sunny little café for brunch, I mean what teenager could pass up the opportunity to spend money on smash avocado instead of saving for a home loan.

"How are you finding it here?" Jordan suddenly asked after she had recovered from a mini laughing fit from seeing a little Pomeranian in a woman's Gucci bag jump out and run away

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"How are you finding it here?" Jordan suddenly asked after she had recovered from a mini laughing fit from seeing a little Pomeranian in a woman's Gucci bag jump out and run away.

I smiled at her concern, "I love it here like I don't think I could ever go back home, I feel so free."

Jordan knew everything about my messy past and messed up family and how it affected me, she was there for me through it all, even when I had tried to push her away.

'I'm hoping you can stay here till the very end, if not school is out for the summer break in two weeks, so you should just stay with me and float behind the scenes in case anything happens".

I laughed, "Anything to stay out of Alicia's hair I will do."

Jordan rolled her eyes at the mention of her name. The number of times I had to stop Jordan from confronting Alicia, much more Stacey and Bianca was insane. Jordan moved the conversation along knowing how much I did not want to even think about the toxic trio. After eating, we explored the town and I got some pretty cool shots for the blog. One cool thing though was when a girl who looked to be about 13 years old walked up to me with a big smile on her face.

"Is your name Taylor?" She asked shyly and I nodded.

"Oh my gosh, I watch you on the Search for Cinderella, would I be able to take a photo with you?!" She asked excitedly and all I could do was laugh and nod. Jordan took the girl's phone and took a few photos while shouting out, "Pose and pose and got to get all angles hold up... Now be candid!"

The Search For Cinderella: Season 2 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now