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After that you and Mike went home, you spent another night in his basement. Again, he decided to stay with you until you fell asleep and woke you up early next morning to head over to the police station to meet Hopper. When you two got there, Hopper was already coming out of the door with a coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

You and Mike jumped into the back of Hopper's car straight away, ready to go to the pumpkin patch.

The car's sirens turned on immediately, and Hopper, with no hesitation, took off from the Police Station. The jolt of the car caused Mike to be flung into you.

You leaned towards the front seats, "Hopper, how are we going to reunite me and Will?"

"I'm not sure y/n," He answered, "I'll be honest, I've been going with him to his appointments and things don't seem to be going so well. But we need to do it sooner rather than later, so you can help him and yourself"

Mike nodded, "I get that he really scared you y/n, and after what he tried to do to you, I don't blame you, but you do love him and he loves you. And, not to be cringy or anything, but from what I know it's not nice for love to be separated"

"Hmm, yes, very true Mike," Hopper scowled.

You sighed, "Okay, that's all well and good - But, I don't think I'm scared anymore," You looked to Mike, "I just want to be with him if I'm honest, I don't want to mope around and cry and be angry anymore, and I know that's not my fault, I know I can't help that, but I need to try my best and put that shit behind me, I want to be happy and I want Will to be happy, and safe, too."

Mike looked at you and smiled, "That's all I want for you too"

10 minutes later, Hopper pulled down a gravelly drive into one of the pumpkin patches. An officer let him pass, and he parked the car. You and Mike hopped out and were immediately met with the smell of something likened to rotting flesh.

Mike retched and covered his hand with his sleeve, "Oh no, this is disgusting"

You covered your own nose, "Hopper why are we here again?"

Hopper was busy looking at some of the pumpkins, and all the black goo on them.

"Hopper?" You asked again.

He stood up, "We need you to see if there's anything serious here, or just see if you can pick up on anything"

You walked over to Hopper and knelt down, placing your hand on one of the pumpkins. You picked up a bit of the goo and fiddle around with it.

Hopper was standing over you, arms folded: "Anything?" He asked.

You closed your eyes and tried to concentrate, "No. Not yet, give me a minute"

You walked off further into the field to see if there was anything at all, anything that you might be able to pick up on from your time with Will and his experiences.

Mike was watching you walk about, "So," Hopper started, "You were keeping her hidden for nine months?"

Mike nodded.

"Mike, why did you do that?"

"I didn't want her to be alone, I didn't want anything to happen to her - and she still needed to be around for Will," He answered.

Hopper was staring down at him, silent. Mike looked up at him, "What?"

"And what else Mike?" He asked.

Mike look confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why else did you keep her hidden - and as safe as she could be?"

Mike looked over to you, you were still walking around, periodically kneeling down and inspecting the ground closer.

"I wanted her to be safe" Mike said, still looking at you.

Hopper sighed, "Sure kid..."

Mike walked over to see to see if he could offer any assistance, you had a piece of goo laid out on the palm of your hand, but just as he got over to you the ground started to shake.

"Oh shit" Mike said grabbing your shoulder.

The ground didn't stop moving, it kept trembling back and forwards throwing the pumpkins around and you and Mike along with them.

And without any warning, as quickly as the shaking had started, a gaping hole ripped open in the ground right in front of you and Mike, it swallowed up the pumpkins and dirt and emitted an even worse smell than before. Black specs and smoke billowed out from it and erupted into the air.

"Kids get away from there!" Hopper yelled.

Mike tried to grab your arm and move you, but you wouldn't budge. Mike looked at your face and you were staring straight into the ground, straight into the chasm which just formed.

"Y/n? Y/n come on!" Mike yelled, trying to get you to move again, he slapped the goo out of your hand and tried to pick you up to move you, but still, nothing worked.

The toxic smoke seemed to rise and rise and become thicker and thicker until it started to move over to you and Mike. It started at your feet and rose around the two of you - intertwining and tangling.

Hopper ran over to you two and tried to get you to move, but Mike wouldn't let you go. Suddenly Hopper was flung back by the smoke and more officers came running down the path - guns ready.

"Lower your arms!" Hopper bellowed.

Mike had to squint his eyes in order to see, although the only things to see were the smoke and you - you, still staring below.

"Come on!" Mike yelled to you.

Hopper's phone started to ring immediately, he shrouded his eyes and answered, "Hello?!"

"Hopper? Hopper! It's Joyce! Listen something's happened to Will I need your help!"

The voice said, panicked.

"Wait, what's happened?" Hopper yelled.

"He's screaming saying it's too warm, he's freaking out! He's shaking. Please, Hopper, it's gotten worse, It's all gotten worse after what happened to him on the football field! Please, I don't know what to do"

Hopper looked over to the black swirling mass, "I'll be there soon  Joyce, I promise!" 

Meanwhile, Mike was still trying with all his might to get you to move - up until the smoke shot up your mouth, nose and in your ears.

Mike was flung just about 30ft back to Hopper and his men, while you were still standing there.

Hopper grabbed Mike and pulled him back.

And then it stopped, the smoke retreated back into the hole and you were left standing there.

Mike and Hopper were staring at you, waiting for something to happen, but you just turned around with a horrifying disturbed look on your face. Mike slowly walked up to you, much to Hopper's dismay, but he let him go.

"y/n, are- are you alright?" Mike asked.

You shook your head and whimpered, "Mike, it's got me too"



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