The Invisible Vigilante

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"Boys, the Head will see you now please.."

"Ah take a seat, it's Mike, Lucas and Dustin correct?"

"Yes sir" The boys muttered.

"There's no need to be afraid, you're not in any trouble. I simply just want to hear your account of what has happened to Mr. Byers" The head had a pencil in his hand and a notebook on his desk. You could see the statements he had gotten off everybody else.

"Well", Mike started "we were running the relay race and Will and Troy were neck and neck."

"It was super intense! Everybody stopped running just to watch it." Dustin exclaimed.

"And Will was about to win... Until Troy tripped him up" Mike continued.

"Is see, now did he do this on purpose?" Asked the head.

"Yes! It was blatantly obvious" said Lucas.

"Okay, now what about what happened after it?" Question the head, he sat up straight and set his elbows on the desk.

"What about it sir? Nothing else happened.." Dustin looked confused.

"Nothing about a mysterious ghost  threatening Troy at all?" The head asked, trying to pry.

"No, sir. Troy made all of that up himself as to get some sympathy. He's a Grade A attention seeker" Lucas lied. He flopped back in the chair and sighed.

"Very interesting, all the other boys have the same account as you. They say they didn't see anything, apart from Troy throwing a dodgeball at his face" The head wrote some more stuff down.

"Thank you boys, I'll have a word with Troy. You may go back to class" the head teacher showed them out of the door.


-= An Hour Earlier =-

You let go of Troy's collar and he scrambled to his feet, he looked around at everybody staring at him. He set off running towards the school and you gave him a shove to help him run.

You turned back to Will, breathing heavily. Tears were still flowing down his cheeks and he was holding his wrist.

One boy stepped forward, "What the hell just happened?"

"Nothing" Will muttered.

Your eyes were darting across all the boy's faces. Then it hit you. You just beat up Troy in front of everybody, but they couldn't even see you, they would have just seen Troy been thrown about and crying. But even worse, they heard your voice. How did they hear your voice? That's never happened before.

Another boy stepped forward, "Will.. are you okay?"

Will didn't reply.

Then a small boy with glass and scruffy black hair at the back of the crowd spoke, he was the one that Troy was hassling earlier.

"D-did a ghost just beat up Troy?"

Then a whole tsunami of questions and statements burst from everybody in the class:

"This is mental! What just happened?"

"Are we going crazy?!"

"I can't believe Troy just got beaten up by a ghost-girl!"

"Will knows something, bet"

"Who is that lass? Is she still here?"

"Maybe we can keep her... She can protect us!"

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