Young, Kinda Dumb and Scared half to death

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You rubbed your eyes as you slowly awoke from your unexpectedly peaceful night's sleep, only to find that you weren't alone in company.

Standing above you was a fresh-faced, messy haired Mike with a plate full of Eggos, strawberries and golden syrup just for you.

And in the distance, there was the radio from last night playing once again.

"Morning", Mike croaked.

You smiled up at him, "Morning"

Mike lowered the plate a bit more towards you, "Made you some Eggos"

You carefully took the plate and sat up crossed legged inside of the den, and Mike lowered himself down and sat next to you.

He looked at you, "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yesh thank you" You managed to say, inbetween mouthfuls of waffles, "Wat time did I fall ashleep?"

"Around eight I think, I made sure you were okay then I snuck back inside through Nancy's window. She's sleeping over at her friend's house so that was an acceptable entrance"

You nodded then took another mouthful of food, "Wait, wat day ish it today?"

"Sunday," Mike answered, "And, obviously, tomorrow it's Monday and that means I have to go to school"

You nodded again.

"Well, I don't have to go, I could stay here with you." He looked over at you, you had popped a big strawberry into your mouth.

You looked over to him and gave a big, full-cheeked smile.

"Y/N... are you going to come to school with me tomorrow?" Mike asked.

You almost spat the strawberry out, "Mike are you mad? That would mean doing lessons, in a busy environment, actually being a kid and seeing, seeing Will again. No, it's too soon. Plus there's no paperwork," You laughed, "For God's sake man I don't even have a birth certificate, or a family, or a proper place to live in!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Just forget I even asked, sorry, chill out" Mike ran his hand through his hair.

You swallowed another strawberry.

"We can put that stuff off for a bit if you want, but focusing on the present, what do you want to do today?" Mike asked.

You shrugged, having genuinely no idea. 

Mike layed back on the duvets and sleeping bags, you looked over to him and popped a strawberry in his mouth. He spat the strawberry into his hand, "y/n!" He laughed.

"You know I hate strawberries," He said wiping his tongue.

You laughed at Mike furiously scrubbing the sweet taste from his tongue.

"Right, I think that if you get any more bored you're gonna get more mischevious, and I will be in the centre of that spiral, which I'd rather avoid - So do you wanna go for a bike ride?" Mike asked.

You nodded, "Sure, we have nothing else to do"

Mike stood up, "Right then, I'll get you some clothes to get changed into"

A few minutes later Mike came back down the basement steps with a brand new outfit for you to wear - Some bits were Nancy's old stuff and other bits belonged to Mike:

A few minutes later Mike came back down the basement steps with a brand new outfit for you to wear - Some bits were Nancy's old stuff and other bits belonged to Mike:

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