Space Dust

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"Okay, I'm sorry, but what the fuck was that?" Dustin yelled to Lucas as they were peddling down Mirkwood on the way to Will's.

"Don't you mean who?! She just disappeared, who does that?"

They both stopped and looked at eachother, "What... what if it was 11?" Dustin asked.

"She's been gone for a year now... I don't think so - plus when could 11 go invisible?" Lucas asked.

Dustin sighed, "Okay, okay, well what if it was another person from the lab?"

"I don't know..." Lucas thought, "That lab's all goody, goody now, it focuses on mental health and nature or so I have heard, I don't think there would be any more test subjects"

"Well what if it was a previous one?!" Dustin tried again, but his shoulders drooped, "Hold on, you don't think it could, possibly be... Y/N, could you?"

Lucas shot Dustin a look, "We don't talk about her... Remember?" He looked down at his shoes, then muttered, "But yes, it could. Let's just get to Will's and then we'll talk to Mike"

Meanwhile, Mike and Will were sat on Will's sofa - counting the remaining quarters that they had left. Will was still shaken by the hallucination, that he thought it was, which he had had.

A knock at the door suddenly interrupted their counting.

Mike sprung up to answer it, and saw Dustin and Lucas standing there, quite visibly disturbed.

"Mike some weird stuff has happened," Lucas said, entering the house and heading straight to the living room where Will was.

Mike gave Dustin a concerned look and he closed the door behind the two of them.

Will looked up, "What's happened?"

"Well after you two left us" Lucas started.

"Yeah, rude" Dustin said, and Mike rolled his eyes.

"We went to ask that weird guy, who has a crush on your sister Mike, who this SuperNova was" Lucas continued.

"And the prick wouldn't tell us" Dustin added.

"Yeah, so we left him and went back to our game and Dustin saw that, in front of us, on another game, there was this girl" Lucas said.

"Yeah.. this girl.." Dustin said, rather dreamily.

"And this girl," Lucas continued, "Was good looking"

"An understatement" Dustin sighed.

"Man just let me tell the story! Anyways," Lucas continued, yet again, "She was playing DigDug, and eventually she looked up at us and we made eye contact but it was really odd. Her eyes weren't like ordinary eyes if you get what I mean."

Dustin nodded, "Yeah, it was like there was something hidden behind them"

"Very poetic" Mike commented, also once again rolling his eyes.

"No not in an 'I'm in love this girl, her eyes are amazing way' more like 'There is something off about her eyes what is she trying to hide? Type of thing," Lucas said.

"But she seemed rather upset when she looked at us, almost as if she knew who we were, and, before hand, Lucas did say to me that he recognised her" added Dustin, "But it must have been about 5 seconds of eye contact before she just fucking disappeared right before our eyes!"

Mike stood up, this was too familiar, "You're not being serious are you?"

Lucas looked him in the eyes, "Dead serious"

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