Fractured Wrist Party™

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It was a week after Will had been to the hospital, luckily he had only fractured his wrist so he could take his cast off in a month or two.

He was staying home for a week as Joyce wanted him to be okay, so due to this you and Will practically had free roam of the house everyday. But it wasn't all good, Will was having so much fun playing the poor broken soul role, to your annoyance.

"(yyy/nnn)!" Will called from his bedroom.

"Yes Wiiiilll?" You shouted back from the kitchen, you were trying your best to make him a cheese toasty.

"Is my toasty weady yet?!" Will's voice was sickeningly sweet but you couldn't help laugh at it.

"Yes Will sweetie it's coming now!" You grabbed the glass of orange juice and popped the toasty on the plate and made your way to Will's room.

"Thank you (y/n) I weally appweciate it!" Will batted his eyelashes.

"Okay please stop talking like that now it's literally rotting away at my ears" You placed the toasty down on Will's knee.

Just as you were about to walk away Will called you.

"*cough, cough* (y/n) can you feed me?" Will smiled.

You rolled your eyes, "Do you no think you're taking it too far yet?"

Will, pretended, to think for a moment,"Not really, I can't say I am"

After, reluctantly, feeding Will his toasty, Joyce came home from work so you stood to the side of the room, trying to stay quiet.

"How have you been Will?" Joyce gave Will a kiss on the head.

"Fine mom" Will looked up at Joyce and smiled.

"Honestly I can stay home with you if you want, I don't have to go to work"

"Oh no it's okay mom, we need the money and I can take care of myself. Look, I made a toasty" He picked up the plate and smiled.

"Cheeky bastard" You mouthed.

Will stuck his tongue out at you when Joyce wasn't looking.

"Okay then, well I said I would go babysit Baby Holly for a bit so if you're sure you're okay.."

"Mom, i'm fine, honestly!"

"Okay, well you know the Wheeler's number off by heart so call if you need me" Joyce gave Will a kiss on the head and headed out of the room, "Oh, Jonathon will be home around five remember, so you have three hours on your own then he can make your tea then"

"Okay, bye mom!"

"Bye Will!"

Will watched his mom leave the house.

"Hand me my walkie talkie" Asked Will.

"Why?" You asked, still handing him it.

"Mike, Lucas, and Dustin have been "ill" today, they've been waiting for me to give the go ahead for them to come over" Will smiled, "We're having a fractured wrist party"

"Will," You sat down on the bed next to him, "I'm your friend, so I'll be honest - that's the saddest thing I have ever heard"


"You ready (y/n)?" Asked Will.

You nodded and turned the lights down.

The living room had been turned into a massive fortress of pillows and blankets. Perfect to protect fractured wrists. Drinks and snacks had been laid out on the table and music was blaring from Jonathon's stereo. The epitome of every young teenager's place to chill out.

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