Chapter One

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January 3rd, 2018
London, England

I left Cameroon nine months ago. I left because my parents hated that I was having a child out of wedlock. My parents told me that I shouldn't have this child because I'm not ready.

Kevin is my ex that I have a child with. He ended up cheating on me. He straight-up told me that he cheated. I wasn't okay with it. Who would be? I just knew that I couldn't be with him anymore.

"Nadia." Dencia called. "Yes." I responded back. "Can you please go to the grocery store for me?" She asked "Yeah." I answered. She handed me the list.

I grabbed a jacket since it was cold outside. I'm still getting used to the weather since Africa is mostly hot. I grab my keys and quickly left the flat.

I haven't talked to my parents in nine months. They know that I left. They're trying to get information about me but I told Dencia to lie about where I am. Dencia is my older sister that has my back.

I am the youngest of three. My brother Paul is the oldest, he lives in the US while Dencia I are in the UK.

When I got to the store I got a cart and followed the list of items to buy. Another cart bumped into mine. "I'm sorry about that." A man said.

The man was looking at his phone. I couldn't see his face. He put his phone away. "I'm really- Nadia." He noticed. I turned my cart around and went the opposite direction. He called my name again. I ignored him.

"Nadia. Stop." He ordered. I stopped walking with the cart. "What do you want?" I questioned. I just need him to leave me alone. "I want to know how she is." He answered. "She's fine." I mention.

"Can I see her?" He wondered. "Maybe." I decided. "You know that it takes two people to make a baby." He reminded me. "I know that. You didn't have to carry her for nine months I did that. I will let you know if you can see her or not." I stated.

I get that he wants to see her but I need to think about it. I'll need Dencia's advice on this. "What's her name?" He asked. "Bella." I replied.

"Can I have your number?" He asked. "Okay." I pulled out my phone from my bag. We switched numbers. "I should get back to what I was doing." I mentioned. He nodded. We went our separate ways.

I got into one of the long lines when I got everything on the list. There were only two cash registers open. My phone started ringing. I answered it. "Hello." I moved up into the line.

"What's taking you so long? Bella won't drink her milk. She's crying." Dencia told me. Bella was sleeping when I left. "I'll be there soon. I ran into someone." I informed her. "Oh, was it a guy?" She pried. "I'll fill you in later." I decided. This is something I wanted to tell her in person.


When I entered the flat, it smell like something burned. "Alphonse." I called. Alphonse is my cousin that I am staying with. "Kevin." Alphonse appeared in front of me.

"What were you cooking?" I questioned. "I was making jollof rice and it ended up being burnt." He answered. "Why would you cook? You always burnt what you cook." I wondered.

"I was cooking for Mia. She likes home cooked meals." He mentioned. "You might want to order food." I suggested. "I'll just start all over." He sighed.

I nodded. I put the groceries that I bought away. When I finished, I went to my room. I changed my clothes. My phone started ringing. "Hello." I greeted. "You stood me up." She stated.

"Tatiana did we have something to do today?" I inquired. "Seriously? We have been talking for more than two months and you finally ask me on a date and I end up getting stood up." She outbursts. "I'm sorry. I must have forgotten. I'll make it up to you." I apologized.

"How?" She wondered. "It's a surprise. I'll pick you up tomorrow at three." I decided. I have no clue what I'm going to do but I'll figure something out. "I better not get stood up this time." She warned me. "That won't happen. I promise." I asserted.

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