The End

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So we graduated our first year of college and we are currently saying bye to Goofy.

As how the movie ended, he was on his way off with Silvia.

Max and I were at the car saying bye to Goofy.
"I can't believe I'm gonna say it but, I'm gonna kinda miss you dad." Max says.

"Dont worry son you won't miss much of me cause I git a job right here! So you'll see me every day". Goofy responds.

Max was shocked and scared. He started stuttering until Goofy cut him off.

" I'm just joking maxy! " and he laughs.

After a few more goodbyes and Goofy drove off into the sunset with Silvia.

Max caught the graduation hat Goofy threw "He's so...Goofy" he said.

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, who else would he be"
He chuckles and hugs me and I hug back.

"Guys hurry the pizza is getting cold!" Arrow shouted eating a slice.

We walked over and grabbed a slice. We all ate and joked around. I was talking with Arrow about something and Bobby at some point tried kissing Arrow on the cheek with cheese on his face and Arrow pushed him away by his face.

We laughed and I looked at Max, I guess we had the same idea cause he was looking at me too.

I gave him a soft smile and hugged him once more.

Now that the main conflict was over I might tell Max where I came from, if he'll even accept it.

Hi I'm back I'm sorry this is short and that I didn't update last week, I'm surprised I was able to function today but I did.

Also some news, I will put a link to my youtube channel in my about section if it will allow me to.

I will post stuff about my stories and what I'm thinking for the future for them if you are interested go look at it if not its okay.

That being said, Stay Deadly my Fellow Assassins!

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