Lovely Birthday

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This is a special chapter for laying_on_the_floor it's her birthday. This chapter has nothing to do with the plot just a special gift for some one who was supporting me and this story when I was still 12 I'm 13 now and have been for a while.
Skip or wait for the next chapter if you want if not enjoy and stay awesome my fellow assassins!

Max was running around his friends apartment, he had a crush on her for a while. It was her birthday today and he wanted to confess to her in this day. He was running around to get decorations up and make sure everything was perfect. Who is his crush? His friend Taylor.

She was out at the moment and could come back any second and Max was rushing to get things ready and a speech for his confession.

He put a banner up that read, "Happy Birthday Taylor!"  In her favorite colors. It was only him by the way.
Max had gotten a cake as well and put it on the table. He took a step back and looked at the set up. It was perfect. 

He ran to the guest room and grabbed the bouquet of her favorite flowers. He stood by the door and waited for Taylor to come back home.

~time skip~

When Taylor started opening the door Max got so nervous.  She opened the door and Max said, "Happy Birthday Taylor!" He said and hands her the flowers.

Taylor was surprised and smiled, making Max blush and smiles shyly.

"Wow Max you did all of this?" She asked him and closes her door.

"Y-yeah I did" his voice cracked and he blushes more in embarrassment, which made Taylor laugh a little.

A little while later, they both had cake and talked while watching tv. 
When they both finished their cake slices, Max decided to speak up.

"Hey Taylor i-i have something to tell you" he says moving his head as he spoke. Taylor turns to look at him.

"I..i like you, I have for a while a-and I want to know will be my girl friend.." Max  was dying of nervousness.  Taylor seemed shocked.

There was silence, and Max sighed, "you can forget it I just-" he was cut off by Taylor kissing his cheek.
"Don't worry about it. I would love to be your girlfriend Maxy. " she says and smile brightly.

Max smiles and hugs her lovingly.

"I love you Taylor" Max says.

"I love you too, Maxy"

Best. Birthday. Ever.

I hope I did okay. Hope you like this.

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