Short Antics

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More x games events were in motion and of course it was back and forth between gammas and max and the guys.

It was another free day and I was walking to the park to meet up with Max and everyone.

I was at the crosswalk when I see Max zoom by and hide behind a garbage can. "Help me Y/N" he said.

I turn back around and a group of girls are running in my direction. They stopped at me and one of them said,
"Hey tell us where Max went you little minx! (I made that insult up)

I faked being scared and pointed in a direction and she grinned and shouted, "this way girls" and they run in that direction.

When they were out of sight Max ran out and almost tackled me in a hug.
"Thank you! You're the best!"

I blushed a little and giggled.

A few days later I was watching Max and the guys do another challenge when I was at the edge ready to cheer on Max for winning the challenge, I was pushed into a puddle of mud.

When Max finished it he ran to help me up. Bobby threw him a towel and Max wiped mud off my face. A crooked smile on his face with pink dusting his cheeks.

I hear some girls huff in annoyance and walk away. The tap of their heels getting quieter as they got further away.

After that, a couple days later we all were walking to the burger place and I was walking ahead a little with Arrow.

We were talking and then I turn around to talk to max and I feel a push on my back and I fall into Max.

He catches me but I looked up at him and we are just centimeters from our lips touching. Our faces were red, we were only snapped out of it when we saw a flash and pulled away from each other.

Bobby had taken a photo. Of course he did.

We continued walking and Max and I still couldn't calm down.

I could almost feel his lips on mine they were so close.

Gosh I'm falling for him even more.

And the gang is trying to make it happen cause I guess. We are too shy to make moves.

I both hate and love those guys.

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