Maybe a walk is just what I need to process what I just discovered. I took Toby’s leash and put it around his neck. I went down to the den and saw mom snuggled up in blankets eating blueberry yogurt.

“Mom you hate yogurt” I said to her pointing to the cup of yogurt in her hands. She looked up from the movie she was watching and nodded her head frantically.

“I know but I was craving it” she laughed. I laughed too then Toby whined tugging on his leash slightly. His face gave me a look that said “hurry up woman; I want to go outside already.

“Mom I'm talking Toby for a walk” I told her. She nodded and went back to watching her movie. I put Toby’s leash on him then grabbed my coat and put on my boots before heading out.

The breeze blew a little causing my hair to go in every direction. I started heading to the direction of the park. As I was walking I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Eric running after me. My heart started to beat faster as I watched him jog towards me. He finally caught up to me his face flushed from running in the cold.

“Hey” he smiled. My heart fluttered. He looked so handsome with the wind blowing his hair.

“Lori” he called waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked a couple of times and gave him my attention. Toby barked and tugged on his leash. I laughed and bent down to scratch his ear.

“Do you want to join us” I asked looking up at Eric. He smiled my favorite lopsided smile and nodded his head. We walked to the park joking about stuff on the way. When we got to the park I brushed the snow of a swing and sat down. I took the ball in my pocket and threw it letting Toby chase after it happily. He caught it and rolled around. That dog loved to play in the snow.  I started to swing slowly. Eric came beside me and sat down. I looked over at him and he was staring at me with a weird look.

“What?” I laughed. He blinked and looked away. It was quiet for a while. The quietness got me to thinking. I couldn’t leave Eric, Delilah, or Dylan. I’d miss them too much. Plus there’s David, Drew, and Natalie, and Julius.  By this point I wanted to cry. I didn’t want dad to take the promotion but I couldn’t say that to him because he sounded so excited when he was talking about it and it sounds like a great opportunity for him. But then I remembered that Eric’s dad was also getting promoted. What if that meant that it was at the same location? Then that would mean Eric had to move too right? I looked over at Eric who was deep in thought too.

“Did your dad ever talk more about his promotion at his work?” I asked. He stopped thinking at looked at me.

“No” he said a little confused. I nodded my head and looked ahead of me.

“Is there a reason why?” he asked. I shook my head not looking at him. He sighed getting off his swing and bent down in front of me. He lifted my chin making me face him.

“What are you not telling me” he asked softly. I closed my eyes holding back the tears. I couldn’t tell him what I found out today, at least not yet, maybe dad might say no.

“It’s nothing” I smiled the best I could. He looked into my eyes searching but finally sighed and stood up. He said nothing more after that. I sighed and leaned my head against the cold chain of the swing. I really hope dad says no.

Toby came running towards us barking and wagging his tail happily. I smiled and bent down scratching behind his ears.

“You ready to go home boy?” He barked lagging out his tongue. “I'm going to take that as a yes” I laughed taking his leash and getting up.

When I got to my front door I said goodbye to Eric hugging him longer than necessary.

“You sure you’re ok Lor?” he asked looking at me concerned. I nodded my head and gave him a weak smile.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin