Mother's Return

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Frigga hurriedly made her way to the Bridge. Heimdall was waiting for her to be transported to Midgard. She was afraid. She had no idea what was happening and she was being moved to Midgard? What was Odin thinking? Sending her to the human realm without any form of information of why? How could he do that to her? She doesn't even know where to go when she gets there. Odin had said right before she left that Heimdall will send her to the exact spot of where. But... she still feared. Was Loki hurt? In danger? Was Thor? She just didn't know.

She walked along the Rainbow Bridge enjoying the colors that seemed to be swirling inside it. It was absolutely beautiful.

She finally entered to find Heimdall standing in his usual stance, back straight holding the golden sword in the lock. She made a stop directly in front of him. He bowed. "My Queen. I've been expecting you."

"Yes, I hope I know what to do when I get there." She said uncertain.

"I will show you the way." He stuck his hand out as if to point to spot for transport. She obliged walking to it, taking a deep breath. "Trust me, my lady."

She nodded frantically, smiling. "Of course."

"You will know. Believe me."



Frigga honestly thought no. She wasn't. But she didn't have a choice. If either of her sons were in trouble or hurt, she will be there. Sadly, Odin couldn't. Then, Asgard would be defenseless.

She nodded. "Yes."

Heimdall slipped the sword further into the lock, twisted it, and she was gone.

. . .

All the Avengers were in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. They all seemed tense. Tony was grabbing food out of the fridge, slamming it on the counter annoyed, Natasha flinching every time. Clint was leaning on the wall, leading to a hall. Bruce was sitting at the counter chairs, like a bar, head in hands. Thor was standing in one spot, unsure of what to do. Steve was standing behind Thor, hand on his shoulder, looking down.

"What do we do?" Tony finally asked, hand resting on the deli meat he just slammed down.

Bruce looked up from his hands and sighed. "Man, I'm not sure."

"We can't just sit here." Clint said.

"I agree with Clint." Natasha obliged. "We need to do something. I can see... I don't know. The crazy I saw in Loki before, is gone. All I see is a broken man in love with a human. It's sweet that he found someone but... He just needs help. He's getting it with her. All we have to do is encourage him and fight for and with him."

"He's my brother." Thor mumbled sadly. "I have lived with him for over more than three hundred years, and I have never seen him so... vulnerable."

"I'm sorry, Thor. I'm sure that was hard." Steve comforted.

"I bet it's hard for Astryd too." Bruce said.

"Yeah." Natasha agreed.

"Well, we let Loki rest for now." Bruce assured. "He's just so... different. Different from what I know. The Loki who was so proud and had magic and... he's different."

"He's broken." Steve mumbled.

Everyone turned to look at him. Of course he would know. Over just seventy years ago he was so happy. He also had Peggy. Peggy helped him get through the men always teasing him for being small. And then he got the serum. Peggy was still there. She didn't just pity him. She loved him. Same with Loki.

Suddenly, there was a loud clack and a beam like light coming from the sky was hitting the street just below them. Thor ran to the window. He saw all the cars blown away because of bifrost. He knew.

Everyone else seemed to just be starring out the window surprised.

Thor finally saw who was standing in the middle of all the wreckage. "Mother?" He asked baffled.

. . .

Loki shot up, hearing the sound of a loud clack. It sounded familiar. Like the... No... It couldn't be... Right?

He looked to the side of him to find Astryd asleep in a chair. He smiled. She was so cute.

He swung his legs over the bed with a wince. Damn this wound. It was deep. He almost wish he had died with the intensity of the pain. He pushed himself of the bed, standing next to it holding his wound. He winced again as he took the first step. He didn't want to wake Astryd.

He took the next step, almost falling over. He caught the wall next to the door. Loki coughed. This was tiring.

With much struggle he made it to the elevator, stepping in. He clicked the button that was floor 35. The kitchen, well Tony's favorite kitchen, was where he would find his... friends?

The elevator opened again, revealing all the Avengers standing next to a window. He heard Thor say, "Mother". Loki took in in a breath. No... Please no.

They must've heard Loki sigh, because they all turned around seeing Loki. Bruce ran for Loki. "You shouldn't be up." He said frantically.

"I'm... fine. Who was that?" Loki struggled.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Bruce asked, holding Loki upright.

"I heard... I heard the bifrost."

Bruce turned to Thor, who seemed stunned looking at Loki's state. "Brother, it was..." He stopped looking at Steve. Steve nodded. "It was Mother."

Loki began nodding "no" very frantically. "No... no... no..."

"Loki?" Clint asked.

Loki looked up at him, fear clear on his face. "It need... I need to speak with... With her."

"I'll go get her." Thor said.

"No need to, my son."

Everyone turned to the elevator, Loki jumping at her voice, turning around. "Mother?"

Frigga put her palm on the side of Loki's face. "Yes, darling. I'm here. Your father sent me. What have you gotten yourself into?" She asked sweetly.

"What are you doing... doing here?" Loki winced, losing balance falling to his knees. Bruce and Frigga knelt down next to him.

"Darling." Frigga exclaimed nervously.

"You shouldn't have gotten out of bed." Bruce said.

Thor walked over, kneeling down too. "Brother," he whispered. "Let's go to bed now."

Loki looked up. He looked so much like a vulnerable child. He nodded, a tear racing down his cheek.

"Mother, please come with us." Thor said.

Frigga nodded. "Of course."

They headed to Loki's room, leaving everyone absolutely baffled.

Alright! That's the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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