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"Oh little one, how I've missed you." Thanos' voice was as cold as ever.

"What's happening? Where am I?" Loki looked around but saw... nothing. It was almost like being in the void again.

"Shh. You think you know pain? Hm? Remember my loyal Other told you you could not hide. Not anywhere."

"Just what exactly do you want Thanos?" Loki spat.

"To break you, little scum."

"I think you've accomplished."

"No, no, no... I'm on my way Jotun runt. I'm so close. I crave to hear you scream again."

Loki felt like if his heart beat any harder it would burst out of his chest. He swallowed. There was nothing to say.

"I'm right here." Thanos whispered.

Loki flinched and turned around to find glowing eyes, piercing his soul.

"No!" Loki screamed sitting up in bed, sweating and trying to catch his breath. He looked around confused and then remembered everything. Clint... Damn you...

. . .

All the Avengers, minus Natasha and Thor, sat in the living room where they watched a movie discussing the situation.

"I thought you weren't even supposed to be here yet." Tony said, turning to the archer.

"Yea, well. Once I got word that it was the Chitauri I figured Loki was back up to his mischief and stopped what I was doing and headed here. Seeing him like that... There is more to this story than we know." Clint explained.

"He explained who Thanos was but... It's just not enough. It's become clear that he was coerced into what he did. I mean," Astryd tried to explain but paused. "Wait! Clint! You knew what was going on around you when he took over your mind right? What all happened?"

"He was terrified of them." He said quietly. "I mean, I'd hear him scream sometimes. I didn't think much of it then."

"Anything else, Agent Barton?" Steve asked.

"There was this one time... He was begging. I think... I think he said he didn't want to do it. He said innocent people were dying and it needed to stop. Then he... just... screamed as if... I don't even know. Like this Thanos guy was in his head."

"He's in there now." Bruce stated.

"What do you mean?" Tony spoke.

"He said it. You heard him. He said Thanos in his dream state. Question now is, how do we find Thanos."

They were all silent for a moment. If the Chitauri are here, then they could get information out of them. Find one, get him, interrogate it. Easy.

"We could-" Tony tried to explain his idea when a gut wrenching scream came from upstairs and they split into action. They all headed upstairs to burst into Loki's room.

He looks fine. He's fine. Just a little jumpy. Tony thought.

"Whoa, you alright?" Bruce asked.

It took a minute for Loki to gain his breathe back. When he did he replied a barely audible, "Yes..."

"Are you hurt?" Tony asked nervously.

"Define hurt." Loki said, locking eyes with Clint.

Clint took a deep breath. "Loki-"

Loki put his finger up as if to stop him. "Just don't Barton," he growled.

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