Start of Something New

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Loki just wanted to know what was happening. Why? Why would a mortal care for something as evil and twisted as him? Why would Tony Stark, of all people, rush to Loki's help? Loki wanted to know why and why this was happening. He wanted these sudden memories of Thanos to stop.

Why was he having memories of Thanos? Why was he again invading his dreams and making him... Scared? He didn't know. He didn't know what to feel, what to do, and he didn't know who to trust.

All of this is happening because he let go of of Odin's stupid stick of glory! He let go. He tried to destroy Jotunheim. This was all his fault. And now he was burdening these mortals because he was too weak to do anything.

But why would he care!? Why would he... HOW could he possibly care if he was bothering them?

He wanted to process it all.

He wanted it to...

He just wanted it stop!

As Loki lied there thinking there was a knock at the door and that woman, Astryd, walked in. "Hello. Am I bothering you?" She asked kindly.

"Um... No." Loki replied unsure.

"Well, Tony is asleep and I'm here to explain."

"Explain what?" Loki shrugged with a hiss.

"Maybe you should quit moving and it'll stop hurting." She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Well... It was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yes, of course. Now explain yourself. Why... of all people... Would Stark help me?"

"He kinda knows..."

"Knows what?"

"What it's like... to be in your position." She hesitated.

"I guarantee you that he does not. No one does." Loki replied, equal hesitation.

Astryd furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Loki said nothing. Why would he tell her? It's none of her business. "How did I get here?" He finally asked.

She furrowed her eyes again but answered his question. "Tony got you out."

"Yes, I figured that out on my own. I mean how? S.H.I.E.L.D must not be very smart if they don't see a man in an iron suit flying away in the darkness."

"Yea well... we fixed that. You're right. It was dark, thanks to me. And he just managed to pass by without being seen. It's not like he was flying in the hellocarrier. He flew once we were out."

Loki sat there nodding. "So, you. I have never heard of you, met you, nor talked to you. Why would you care for saving me? To someone I've never met, or involved with S.H.I.E.L.D, I must just be the bad guy... So why you?" Loki asked.

Astryd sat there for a moment thinking. Finally she spoke. "Well, I just feel like... everyone thinks your bad... I don't. And I know you hate hearing that. But not all of us have a perfect past. I'm not perfect, Tony isn't perfect, so what makes them think you can be perfect? We all make mistakes. You made a huge one, yes, but... I like to focus on the good you've done. That's all..." She spoke so quiet like she didn't want to be heard.

Loki was dumbstruck.

Wait... Did she just defend him? A woman he has never met... has defended him?

"Why are you saying these things? What... I just... I do not understand why someone would say such things to someone like... me." Loki was now quiet. He finally built up the strength to sit up, his back resting on the backboard. "Why?" He asked once more.

"I've already answered that. I don't think you're all that bad." She came to sit on the edge of the bed facing him.

Is Loki feeling what he thinks?




No, never again.


Yes... that sounds about right.

Loki had no idea what possessed him to say it but he did.

"Thank you..." He whispered, looking at his hands.

She put her hand on his face and pulled him to face her. "You're welcome."

She smiled.

He liked that smile.

It was kind, gentle, and... she doesn't judge him.

Loki smiled.

. . .

Tony felt himself stir and opened his eyes. He was in bed. Yes that's right. He went to bed. Now he is awake.

He got up to get dressed and brush his teeth and hair and headed downstairs.

When he got there he didn't find Astryd. He figured she was with Loki explaining things. It was already one o'clock.

He slept in that late?

He must thinking too hard about this Loki thing. Yes, he is evil... was evil in Tony's opinion and apparently Astryd's. But ever since he found Loki in S.H.I.E.L.D's interrogation room, Loki has looked... less hostile. Like he has given up. Given up hope. He knows what that feels like and doesn't want anyone, not even the most criminal man, to feel that. It tears you apart.

Suddenly his own past began to flash through his eyes. He shook it off and headed towards Loki's room.

Okay, I know that that part with Astryd and Loki seemed like a lovey dovey part. But no... she is just a really kind person. No they don't start to fall in love till laterz! :) So hope you're enjoying so far. :) I'll try to post soon but ya know... I'm a busy bee!

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