Escape Plan

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Update! *dances happily* Okay so I hope you guys don't mind that I'm bringing in the Avengers... If you like it then great! If not... sucks to be you. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ!

Chapter 3- Escape Plan

Loki woke with a raging headache. He was confused at first. Where was he? Why was he here? Then he remembered . . . Odin took his magic away and sent him here. By the gods he will have vengeance.

The door to his cell opened and and he winced at the slam. He was going to look up himself but Karson grabbed his chin and forced Loki to look at him. He winced again. "Hello dear Loki," he mocked.

Loki would reply if he just had the strength. When gets out of here he is going to rip this guy's eyes out and make him eat them!

"Wanna say something?" He mocked again.

Loki just growled at Karson. If only he had the strength to just talk. His throat was so raw. It hurt.

"You ready?" He asked Loki.

Loki groaned. How long was he out? He feels like he just went through this. Karson undid his restraints and Loki swayed. Karson held Loki uncomfortably.

. . .

Loki screamed as the electricity surged through. "What are you planning!?" Yelled Fury as the pain continued.

"Nothing!" Loki yelled back, crying out. Suddenly the pain intensified and he screamed losing breath. "Stop!"

"Tell me! And then we will!"

"Nothing!" Loki took a deep breath, screaming again.

"Then why are you here!?" Yelled Karson, trying to be heard over Loki's own yells.

"Punishment! Just stop!" Loki tried to get out of his restraints but they just burned. His wrists were raw. His throat was raw. he was raw. It just wouldn't stop. "By the gods stop!" He let out another scream and then it stopped. His head sagged down and he couldn't seem to catch his breath.

"Why don't I believe you?" Fury asked.

Loki couldn't answer. He would if he could. He couldn't keep his eyes open. He closed them and grunted before losing light.

"Dammit! Take him to his god damn cell!" Fury spat out of frustration.

. . .

She couldn't watch this anymore. Loki may have done some bad things but these are questions he has already answered. Now they're just doing it out of spite.

"Astryd, he needs you." Karson said through his ear piece to hers.

"Alright," she said before turning to her friend who was watching as well through the cameras. "Tony, you know what they're doing is wrong."

Tony Stark, the genius billionaire, turned to face Astryd. "Just go help him. I have a plan. Go treat him and come back." Tony said with urgency.

"What do you mean?"

"We're helping escape him out. He may have thrown me out of a window but this is just mean." He stated turning back towards the screen.

Of course he would only mention how Loki affected him and not all of Manhattan. . . .

Astryd walked towards the cell Loki was being held in. She totally agreed with Tony. They're helping him.

She walked in to find Loki sagging and slouching. "What do you want me to do?" She asked Karson who was hovering over Loki.

"You're the nurse," he stated.

"Yes, but there is nothing to heal. I can give him some pain killers." She said to him back in a 'duh' voice.

"Then do it," Karson snapped.

. . .

Tony didn't like the demigod . . . well . . . not demigod anymore but . . . ya' know. Tony didn't like the torture either. This is ridiculous. It wasn't necessary. He said he was banished and stripped from his powers. Not so sure why but Tony believed him.

Yes, he was the god of mischief and lies but . . . Tony could tell he was telling the truth. Again, not so sure why.

He was watching Astryd talk to Karson after she brought Loki some pills or something.

"This is good. We're breaking him." Tony heard Karson say.

He saw Astryd hesitate but started going on how good this was. She had to act. They were going to break him out after all.

She finally left Loki's cell and a couple moments later walked back in the surveillance room. "What's the plan? He looks awful." She asked, worry obvious in her voice.

"Simple, later tonight I get my suit and come back for him while you're in the control room to turn off all surveillance cameras. Once I've got him, meet me by the exit by the runway so I can fly us away to my tower." Tony explained with confidence.

Astryd nodded taking in all the information. "Sounds like a plan." She said smiling at Tony who was smiling too.

They're doing it. They're busting him out.

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