The Third Month... Was The Worst? Why?

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It's been too quiet around the palace. The Warriors Three and Sif haven't been talking, the Avengers haven't been talking, Loki and Thor's own parents won't talk either. Not even Loki and Astryd have really been talking. More like they have been crying.

Loki decided it was too quiet. He wants to tell what happened on the third month. He also felt he needed to gain the Avengers trust back. He knows they have been doubting him. Doubting him because he won't tell. They think he is lying. Although, a lot of people do.

He had asked his father to call everyone in so they could all talk about it.

Loki, Astryd, and Frigga were already in the grand hall. Golden auras reflected off the walls and furniture. No sound could be heard but the nervous breathing of Loki.

"Loki, it'll be alright." Astryd explained, taking his hand in hers. He looked at her slowly, eyes sliding. She had bags under her eyes from lack of rest and her collarbone was becoming more noticeable. "Just take your time explaining."

He nodded. "Of course."

Frigga sat on the other side of him, gripping his shoulder. She had a sad look on her face that Loki winced at. Why does he cause sadness and hatred all around him? What has he ever done?

The golden double doors opened. They all three turned their heads to see Odin and the Avengers entering with caution. Loki saw his brother, obviously losing sleep as well, and winced again.

You could hear their footsteps and the sound of then plopping down on the couches and chairs. You could almost hear their heart's beating. They could probably hear Loki's.

"So... uh..." Tony started unsure of what to say. "What's up lil buddy?" He said, beginning to be himself.

Steve nudged him with his elbow and gave him a stern look. Loki just smiled. Tony was trying to be himself because he didn't want Loki to know that he felt bad for him... doesn't want to make Loki seem weak. Loki seemed to be the only one who caught that.

"I believe you think that I know not of what you speak or think of me." Loki began. "I know a lot more than you think. I am losing your trust because I tell you not of my experience as a Chitauri prisoner... or should I say toy..." Loki said softly, fiddling with his hands.

The Avengers were taken aback.

Steve stood up and knelt down in front of Loki. He put his palm on his knee and Loki locked eyes with him. "You don't have to tell us, Loki. Not if it is uncomfortable."

Loki widened his eyes. He shook his head. "No, no... I want to." He whispered.

He sounded so broken. Steve nodded and went back to his seat next to Tony.

Loki looked towards Clint. "Remember when I took a hold of your mind?"

Clint tensed a little but nodded his head. Natasha gripped his hand softly.

"Remember when you could see around you but couldn't think? Couldn't... understand what was happening, but yet you were watching and... feeling everything around you? Feeling what was happening to you?"

"What's your point, Loki?" Clint snapped.

"You feel as though no one understands what you were going through..."

Clint nodded.

"I do." Loki said. Clint scoffed and nodded his head. "I do, Barton. It's just a different concept." Loki said defensively.

"Oh? And how is that?" Clint asked, anger growing. Natasha squeezed his hand again.

"When they cut at me... When they burned me... When they..." Loki stopped. Astryd squeezed his hand, as did Frigga. Loki took a deep breath and straightened his back. "I could feel it and see it... but I could not understand why?"

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