The White Room [Part 2]

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Astryd and Loki's family comforted Loki as he cried for an hour. He released from Astryd's hold blinking a few times and wiping away his tears. He looked her in the eyes as she cupped his cheek with her hand. "Are you okay?" She asked softly.

Loki looked towards Thor. "Why?"

Everyone was taken aback baffled.

"What do you mean?" Thor asked.

"You said you didn't hear... Why?" He whispered.

Thor looked at his younger brother, guilt covering his features. "I don't know... I'm so sorry, Loki. I'm am. You have to believe me." Thor begged.

Loki looked down at the bed coverlet. "I do." He whispered again.

"My son," Frigga gasped. "Do you wish to continue?"

Loki nodded abruptly. "Yes..."

"Go on then, Loki." Odin urged sweetly.


The searing, pain bit into his skin as he let out another scream. Scream after scream, and no one heard.

"THOR!" He screamed. He didn't know why. He hated him... Right? He was always in his shadow. He is Thor's shadow.

He screamed again.

And again.

After one day he couldn't scream any longer. It was a whole day! How long would this last?

. . .

"I didn't know... at that time I didn't know that each punishment was a whole month." Loki explained quietly. He nodded. "I didn't know... But then again... that was rather the point."

He looked towards his father, eyes so sad. "I'm sorry..." He whispered.

Odin blinked, not understanding. "What do you apologize for?"

"All this time, I should have been grateful."

"For what, dear?" Frigga asked.

"You saved my life, Father. You could have left me to die just like Laufey... But you didn't. I was so blind. I thank you for that."

Astryd rubbed circles on Loki's back for reassurance. "Sh, I think you should get some sleep."

"That would be nice." Loki said. "But... I can't."

"Why not?" Thor asked.

"Because, every time I close my eyes... he's there... Always... Always."

Astryd felt the shiver run down his spine. "Do... Do you want me to sleep with you?" She asked reluctantly.

Loki almost seemed ashamed but nodded 'yes'.

Astryd looked at Thor, Frigga, and Odin, eyes pleading for them to leave. They nodded. "Goodnight, brother." Thor whispered, hugging Loki.

"Sleep well, son." Odin said, Frigga following him as the three stepped out of the room.

Astryd went straight for a kiss as did Loki. Their tongues danced again, allowing each other to enter. Astryd pushed Loki onto the bed, lying on top of him as they continued to kiss. He has never felt this way for anyone. Not a single soul. He has never loved someone more than food, or water, or breath. It pains him to see her sad sometimes. It pains him to know he is responsible for the death of her parents. It pains him to know that Thanos wants her dead.

Astryd's hips began to play with Loki's. She began undoing Loki's pajamas. They broke free catching breath, Loki saying, "I love you." They began kissing again as Loki pulled her top off.

(I think you guys can deduct what happened)

. . .


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