The White Room

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It's been a week since Loki was returned and he hasn't continued his story. Astryd felt so... angry with Loki. But she didn't mean to. She just wanted to know. But she needs to give him time. She'll try again later.

The Avengers went out to explore the city of Asgard. Heimdall, the Warriors Three, and Sif accompanying them.

Thor had stayed though. Loki still hasn't eaten and he was getting thinner by the day. It broke his family's hearts. And her's.

Astryd made her way to Loki's chambers, where he spent most of his time now. His family was with him. She didn't know if she was interrupting something or not but she also found she didn't care. She loves him and wants to know how he is doing. They haven't really talked since he got back except for when he was telling them what happened, which he quit before he could finish.

She came to the golden door and was about to knock but stopped when she heard a whimper. Loki? She heard voices but they were muffled. 

"Darling, you know she isn't." She heard Frigga say.

She? We're they talking about her?

"No, I know..." Loki whimpered. "It's just... for a whole year, a month for you, she was so... evil... standing by Thanos' side..."

"But she never would do that, brother, you must understand." Thor comforted.

"Son," Odin began hesitantly. "You understand she loves you?"

She heard a muffle of movement. "Of course I do!"

"Brother... Then why do you doubt?"

"I don't know! Okay?!" He yelled.

No one spoke after he said that. Astryd wanted to walk in so bad. Should she? Should she tell him that she heard? Maybe, she should go in but pretend she didn't hear.


Loki doesn't trust her the way he did. She won't let that stand.

She knocked on the door and walked in before anyone could protest. Loki was standing up, his family sitting on the bed. Loki turned to face her. His eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Astryd smiled sadly. "Loki." She simply said.

Loki sighed, obvious guilt on his features. "I'm... sorry..."

She walked closer until their noses almost touched. "Stop apologizing. I understand."

Loki pulled away angrily. "No, you don't." Loki locked eyes with Astryd, who was surprised that he pulled away, yet also sad.

"Loki," Frigga said.

"Brother, you have to trust her."

Loki blinked a couple times. "I... I know... I do, it's just..." He began trembling slightly. Astryd looked down at his hands, seeing that his fists were clenched so hard he drew blood. She looked back up. His face was covered with his raven hair, looking down. "Swear to me..." He whispered.

Astryd took a step back confused. "What?"

"Swear to me... Swear to me you're real... This is all real." He looked back up, eyes pleading. Astryd's heart dropped. Loki took a step closer, holding her shoulder. "Please..."

She looked towards his parents and they nodded. She looked back at Loki, tears welling in her eyes. "Yes. This is real. I don't work for Thanos, the giant bugger." She laughed softly, Loki following the laugh. He hugged her so hard, she thought she might snap in two.

"Then I trust you. I trust your word. I trust your heart." He mumbled.

His next question broke her heart, she thought they might hear her heart shatter.

"Do you love me?" He whimpered.

She wrapped her arms around Loki at last. "Yes." She whispered. "I love you so much."

He pulled back, kissing her on the mouth. She kissed back and felt the warmth radiating off him. She felt his tongue begin to dance around her teeth and she welcomed it in. Their tongues intertwined as the kiss went on. They both caught their breath as their lips parted.

What Loki said scared her. "I want to tell you. I want to continue."

She nodded sitting him down on the bed, next to his parents and Thor.


He woke from the Darkness and looked around. Where was he. This room wasn't made of stone. It was like... White marble all around, surrounding him.

He tried to get up but noticed he was chained to a table. He couldn't move. His hands and and feet were shackled to the table, which was also white, and chains wrapped around him.

The room was so bright! His head was pounding and this damned light isn't helping.

Is there even a door in here?


So... how did he get in here? How does he get out? What???

There was a flash and he flinched, closing his eyes, and Thanos was suddenly in the room. He looked around frantically and screamed, "What!?"

Thanos smirked and walked closer to the chained Loki. "It's called magic, Jotun runt."

Loki flinched at the words. He always says that. Why?

Thanos got closer and Loki began struggling against the chains. The Titan stroked Loki's cheek with his finger. "Shh..."

Loki jerked away from the touch and stopped stuggling. "You ever heard a mint?" Loki rasped.

Thanos chuckled as said a couple words.

Loki recognized those words.

It's a fire spell.

His eyes widened and then closed as the chains began to sizzle and Loki screamed. Too hot! His body convulsed upwards and back down with another scream. He opened his eyes and Thanos was gone.

Little did he know this would last for a month.

And it did.

No one came for him.

No one cares anymore.

*end flashback*

Astryd saw the tears in Loki's eyes again. She squeezed his hand and he looked away.

"I tried... calling... I don't..." His breathing picked up and the tears flowed again. Astryd held onto him as he cried.

Okay, so I have readers that are obvious now! YAY! I hope you are enjoying it so far. Man! We got 8 more months! Be ready for some tears!!!


Saved (A Loki fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora