Reunion Gone Bad

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Okay... no one is reading... :'( But I'm going to keep writing because one day someone will. I'm determined and I love writing so screw you! (in a joke way)

Loki looked at Tony. "I... uh..." Loki seemed very confused as Tony took a step towards the god. Loki took a step back, as if to protect himself.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Tony said.

"They always say that... They say they wanna help and then take away all my hope." He panted, his voice shaking.

"Who?" Steve asked.

"Them." Loki was very delusional at the moment.

"Who's them?" Bruce took a step closer, again Loki taking a step back.

"You should know..." Loki said, new tears welling in his eyes.

"Well we don't, Loki. What are you talking about?" Clint asked irritated.

"Just stay back..." Loki warned.

"Darling..?" Frigga stated. She took a step.

"NO!" He yelled putting his arms out as if to stop him. He took the down immediately, shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"My Prince?" Heimdall asked.

"Brother?" Thor finally whispered.

Loki looked from one face to the other and sunk down to his knees, putting his hands on his head. "No, no, no, no..." He mumbled.

Astryd walked to him, kneeling down and putting her arms around him. He jumped up, pushing her off. "No! Not you!"

She put her hands out as if surrendering. "What?"

"Oh, stop it!"

"Loki, what are you talking about?"

"He said you didn't know... BUT I DO!"

She stopped, looking at him confused. "I don't understand."

"You're working for him... and you don't even know." He breathed breathed a slight chuckle as more tears flowed.

"What!? No! Loki he lied to you!"

He paused as if realizing something. "Is this real?" He asked sadly.

"Yes, brother... it's real. We're real."

His eyes whipped to Thor and suddenly all the sadness in his eyes left him. All that was left was pure rage. He let out a roar and flung onto Thor crashing to ground on top of him. "Damn you, Thor!" He yelled.

Their father and Heimdall pulled Loki off. "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you, Thor!" He sunk down to his knees again as Heimdall said some small words and Loki fell asleep, body falling limp.

Thor was absolutely shocked. What the hell is going on here? He got back up slowly. "What did you do?" He asked Heimdall.

"A sleeping spell. I learned it a while back." He held Loki's head in his arms.

"Why is he mad at me and Thor?" Astryd asked sadly, kneeling down next to Loki.

"We need to get him to the healers." Bruce said.

. . .

"I don't understand." Thor said, sitting on one side of the medical slab, Astryd on the other.

Bruce was working with some sort of machine that checked Loki's pulse, Steve was standing behind Thor, Tony behind Astryd. Clint and Natasha were by the door standing side to side. Heimdall, the king and queen, the Warriors Three, and Sif were standing askew.

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