Namjoon nods, looping his elbows through the arms of both Inha and Jungkook. “We’ll stay here and make sure nothing goes wrong. Taehyung and Hoseok can help.” Miran’s twin doesn’t look satisfied with the prospect of staying behind while his siblings head into possible conflict and certain danger, but he doesn’t protest. For all they know, the killer may still be lurking about the shadows in Hoseok’s home, and if that turns out to be true, Taehyung wants to be there to prevent all hell from breaking loose.

“Be safe, you guys. We know that this fucker wants to kill Miran, too,” Inha states worriedly, patting her friend’s cheek softly. “Call us if you need anything.”

They all nod, and following Seokjin’s lead, Yoongi’s fingers curl around a spanner, pulling it out of the rack embedded between the cabinets and the shiny counter. Just in case. And something is better than nothing. With that, the four of them rush out of the kitchen, leaving behind an apprehensive group praying that they will find Jieun in time. Alive.

“Detective, you’ve got to see this.”

Jung swivels his chair around so it is now facing the door which has currently been yanked open by the edgy investigator. Jisoo looks harried, but beneath his ruffled exterior, the senior detective can glean a bubbling excitement. He is not sure if that is a good sign or bad, but right now, he couldn’t care less. Motioning for the investigator to trudge deeper into his office, he leans forward on his desk.

“Have you found something?”

Jisoo nods, his entire body tingling with barely concealed trepidation. “You’re not going to believe this. Remember how I told you that the department had procured a warrant for Seoul National to turn over all files on Lee Joonhyung? Guess what, they just did. And guess what I found.”

“I’ll let you tell me, Kim. You seem very excited about this,” Jung observes quietly, carefully scrutinizing every twitch of Jisoo’s facial features. “What did you find?”

The investigator inhales deeply, splaying the file cradled in his arms on Jung’s desk. “It turns out that Joonhyung’s sibling is indeed at the university. At first, I couldn’t find any names or addresses because they were redacted. But I scoured the database until I did. Look here.” He points at a particular page after flipping through the file. “Joonhyung was an adopted child. And this is his adoptive family.”

Jung’s blood runs cold when his eyes land on the picture of Joonhyung, all his personal details printed below it: the names of his adoptive family, including his brother. “Oh my god. Kim, is this…?”

“Indeed it is. I had a similar reaction to what you’re having right about now. Nobody could’ve guessed it,” Jisoo mutters slowly, his head tilting to the side. “I certainly didn’t expect it.”

The detective shakes his head, his mind still reeling from shock. “But how does no one know? I mean, this guy is popular on campus! People would’ve known about their relationship.”

“Not if they went to great lengths to make sure no one caught wind of it. Considering their positions, it’s a completely plausible explanation,” Jisoo explains, gesturing with his fingers. “Though I’m not sure if he has anything to do with the case. And I’m guessing it’s too late in the night to send a squadron, huh?”

Jung pinches the bridge of his nose, his instincts telling him that the name on the file is definitely the identity of the killer. However, he has no evidence to back up the claim, and it is too late in the night. But he has to do something.

“Maybe not a squadron, but a single detective should do. I can always apologize if this guy checks out, right?” he remarks wryly, his lips curling into a grim smile. Not waiting for the investigator to respond, Jung rises from his chair, grabbing his coat and making his way towards the door. He briefly debates calling his son to wish him a happy birthday, but decides against it. Hoseok is probably too busy dancing to answer.

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