The couple laugh for a few minutes before Lance goes back on the bed, swinging an arm around Keith's waist as the other leans his head on his shoulder. "Okay, seriously though. I think you greatest fear is being alone." Keith looks at him.

"I'm serious," Lance chuckles, "You get anxious whenever you don't see me for a couple of weeks. Remember that time when you called me at 3 am, asking me when I'll come home?"

Keith looks confused for a second before realizing what he meant and looks away, "...Fine."

What do you love about each other?

"Jesus," Keith mumbles, ears already red by the question, "What even are these questions.."

Lance, on the other hand, grins wickedly, snickering when Keith slaps him on the arm. "Great question, by the way." He cups Keith's face with both his hands, Keith pulls away at first but Lance keeps a hold tight and finally Keith just sighs and let his boyfriend be.

"What I love about Keith is," Lance says softly, "is how he acts shy and how he hates me but inside.." He smiles fondly and Keith's heart just melts. "..but inside I know he actually cares. Like when I hurt my leg, you scold me for days on how clumsy I am and I didn't get any action for weeks-" a kick on his stomach "- but you stayed up all the days giving me food and taking care of me."

Fuck, is the only thing that Keith can think of cause...well, Fuck. How is he supposed to respond to that?

Keith stops thinking when he feels Lance pull his hand away and claps, looking at the camera with a weird smile that Keith can't put his finger on. "That's it for me!"

"What I like about Lance," Keith starts off soft but Lance can hear him perfectly well, "is how he can make even the gloomiest place in the world a place you can smile in." And Lance gives him a face that says, "Aw. Babe."

Keith reaches forward and gently kisses his boyfriend on the lips, biting his lower lip slightly and disappointingly pulling away when Lance tries to kiss back. "I like how he can make me smile all the time," he says while staring at those blue eyes.

Squeaking, he cries when Lance attacks his mouth, making both of them fall back against the bed.

"L-Lance, you idiot! Not in front of the fucking camera!"

What's one thing about him you learnt that surprised you?

Keith snickers, squawking when Lance tries tickling him in the sides. "Good question," he says after Lance stops to take the glass of water on the small table beside the bed while Keith regains his breath, "what I learnt about Lance..hmm.." He looks up to the ceiling in thought. Then he snaps in fingers and points a finger to his questioning boyfriend, who's taking a sip.

"You like my cock without hair!"

Lance spits out the water and Keith screams, kicking him in the stomach again. How many times has it been today?

"Keith, that was between me and you!" Lance cries, a hand on his chest in fake hurt and betrayal.

Keith kisses his pouty boyfriend, giggling and muttering a 'sorry'. But he quickly finds himself regretting even apologizing when he sees Lance grin evilly, as if he knows something Keith doesn't. Shit.

"Keith likES SPANKING!"


How did you guys meet?

"Hm, in the movies," Lance smiles in memory, "As clichés as it sounds-"

"Doesn't seem cliché at all," Keith interrupts.

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now