Chapter 11

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A/N: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY (for those of you in the USA)!!!!!! As a gift to celebrate, here's Chapter 11!

@HuntersOfArtemis @DestBookLover Thanks for commenting and reading! I want to say whether you're correct or not... But I can't. :( 

@Fandon-Lover Thanks! I love the show Arrow. I'm actually re-watching it as I'm typing this reply. And I can't say whether you're right or not or else it'll spoil it. So sorry! I'm planning to reveal it in 3, 4, 5 chapters? Ugh. It sounds so far away now... Anyways, thanks for commentingand for reading!

@Punksdontlikepink I take no offense! :) Thanks for reading and replying. If you have any suggestions to help improve my battle scene writing, please tell me. I hope that my writing is satisfactory to you and if not, please tell me what I need to fix.

Disclaimed: *sigh* Do I have to do this again?

Nico: YES. The readers want to know what happened to me so hurry up.

Me: Or what?

Nico: Or I'll raise an army of skeletons to chase you!

Me: O.O eep... Idon'townPJO,theAvengers,orthecover!!! Please don't kill me!

Chapter 11:

Pain. Hot coursing pain was all I felt as it spread like a wildfire in my body. Groaning, I shifted, my ankle throbbing as he hit against something.

“Percy… Come on. Wake up.” A familiar male’s voice said. Why did he sound so familiar? Gentle but firm hands shook my shoulders slightly.

I forced my eyes open and blinked rapidly to clear my vision. “…Nico?”

The familiar black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes was greeted merrily. I lunged up and hugged him tightly, immediately regretting it after.

“Ow, ow, ow.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Easy there, Perce. Want to explain to me what happened?”

I recounted the past events, from when the Avengers and I first got to camp to blacking out at the hands of Connor Stoll.

“That bloody traitor…!” I whisper shouted as I leaned back against the hard stone wall, “How could he? We treated him well, Hermes loves him, and he’s my freaking friend. What motive does he have?” I clenched my fists at my sides, staring at them, anger and sorrow flooding my eyes and low waves churned in my eyes.

Truthfully, not even half of my anger was directed at Stoll. No, my anger and sadness was directed at myself. How many more times would I not be able to help any of my friends? How many times would I cause them to get hurt? And most of all… How many more times am I going to fail a friend?  I hated this feeling of weakness and helplessness.

Connor Stoll betraying us… Why didn’t I realize the lapse in his behavior or his emotions? It’s just like Luke all over again… Only this time, I had so many chances to stop it, and in all of those chances, I was too worried about my nightmares or fears to realize his struggles. I’m a failure. That’s all I can say.

“Stop it, Percy.” Nico growled with forcefulness and anger writhing beneath his words, “I know what you’re doing. You’re blaming yourself just like you always do, Snap the Hades out of it!” I flinched at his tone.

“Do what, Nico?” I asked, weariness dragging my words down, “The blame is on me. I didn’t notice. Just like Luke. Just every freaking time someone gets hurt. Gods, Nico, when will I do anything right?”

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