Chapter 8

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A/N: Here's chapter 8 for you! I'm on a roll. Three chapters in one day. :) Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the Avengers, or the cover.

Chapter 8:

It couldn't be. No, it was impossible. But that glowing blond hair in princess curls, those stormy gray eyes. It was Her. I dropped Riptide and walked towards her.

"Percy... How could you?" She asked when I was a couple of feet away from her.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked as I felt myself slowly breaking. My eyes started watering as I took her in. How was this possible?

"You failed me. You failed all of us! You let us die. You didn't save me, or any of us! How could you? How could you, Percy? I thought you loved me." Her voice shouted. I felt hot tears fall down my face and her words hurt more than my bath in the River Styx. I fell onto my knees, unable to bear the guilt and pain I was feeling as it tore me from the inside out.

"I'm so sorry, Annabeth! I'm sorry! I'm a failure. I let you all die..." I cried out. "I know, I should've died instead of you. Damn the Fates... Why couldn't it have been me?"

"Yes, that's right hero." She said saying hero as if it was a curse word, "You failed them. All of them. You might as well kill yourself. It's the only way to make things better... It's the only way to reconcile your sins. It is your penance."

I nodded and then took out Riptide who had returned to my pocket. Uncapping it, the blade gleamed in the sunlight and I raised it level to my chest with the blade pointing towards me. This was it. This was the end. Everything would be better after this. I would be able to see my friends again. I would be able to escape the torrent of pain, grief, despair, and guilt that I was drowning in everyday.

"Percy, no!" Natasha yelled. Her feet pounded across the grass as she ran towards me and several more footsteps followed hers.

But something didn't make sense. I looked up at Annabeth and said, "You said hero. You said 'You failed them'. Not You failed me." Her panicked look didn't go unnoticed as I got back up on my feet.

"Melinoe." I whispered in realization.

"Yes, hero. I am Melinoe, goddess of ghosts." Annabeth soon turned into her true form. Half of her was black and hardened, like a mummy, and the other half was pale a chalky, like all of the blood was drained out of her.

"Melinoe... You dare take her form. You dare take Annabeth's form!" Anger erupted from inside of me as I shouted in anger and lunged forward wielding Riptide. As I slashed, Melinoe smiled and said, "I will be back, hero." And disappeared right before my blade struck her.

The rest of the team arrived and Natasha wrapped her arms soothingly around me. "It's ok, Percy. It's ok. She's gone. That wasn't Ann- Her." She waited until the trembling in my body stopped and she withdrew from our embrace as I nodded. "It's ok." Her fingers brushed my tears away and the rest of the team patted me on the back as we left the park ignoring the flashing cameras and the crowd that gathered.


Once we reached the Avengers Tower, I headed straight to my room and skipped dinner to everyone's dismay. Thankfully, they didn't force me to come eat with them or tried to talk to me. They knew things like this were best dealt with alone.

I laid curled up on my bed as I tried to take deep breaths trying to avoid flashbacks of any sort. Tears threatened to fall as I laid there, hating life. I hated my life. I hated being the so called Savior of Olympus. I didn't want any of this. I didn't want this life that the Fates loved screwing up so much. Tartarus. Everyone dying. I didn't want this life. I let myself wallow in my self-pity as I drained myself of tears. Eventually, to my dismay and horror, I fell asleep only to be plagued with nightmares.

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