Chapter 21

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A/N: Three updates in one day! It seems that I can't update once a week like normal human being. It's either days or less than a day later, or months later, apparently. :/

Disclaimer: Same as usual. Rick Riordan and Marvel own the rights.

Chapter 21:

The night Percy died, Nico and Hades felt it immediately.

The minute Percy's heart stuttered to a stop, Nico shot up in bed, eyes wide and brimming with tears as he screamed in anger and pain and grief. Hellfire shot from his palms, igniting the cabin, as the shadows twisted and turned unnaturally. All of camp woke up and rushed over, only to hear the news of their beloved hero and friend's death.

  The Avengers, Nico, and Jason blamed themselves for not seeing it before Percy had left. They knew his farewells seemed to final.  

A heavy silence hung over the camp and Avengers for the next week. No one laughed. No one smiled.

Hades had not only felt it, but he heard it inside his palace. The screams of his nephew. He would never admit it, but when he heard him and felt his death, Hades' heart clenched in grief and pain, and maybe, just maybe, he let a few tears slip out.

A few minutes later, he took in a shuddering breath and composed himself into the cold, unfeeling god he was known to be. Hades went to Olympus and called everyone into the council room to deliver the news.

If anyone heard the wails of Poseidon, Hestia, Apollo, and a couple of other gods and goddesses that night, no one uttered a single word about it. 

The next morning, all the gods and goddesses convened in the center of Camp Half-Blood, along with the Greek demigods. Even some Roman demigods went through the portal connecting the two camps in order to pay their respects.

In the center of the camp, hung a shroud. It was blue-green, the color of the sea, and on it, an owl holding a trident in one claw and the Avenger's "A" in the other embellished the center.  Gathered around it, the demigods sans Jason and Nico stood in a semicircle. The opening of the arc faced Poseidon, Chiron, the Avengers, Jason, and Nico. Behind Poseidon and the rest of the group, stood the rest of Olympus.

Connor was hidden by the trees behind everyone, unseen by all but Hawkeye and Black Widow who glared at him. He flinched under their glares and sulked by the treeline, ignoring the burning behind his eyes and in his throat.

"Today," Chiron began, "We are here to honor the life and death of one of Olympus' greatest heroes of all time. Perseus Jackson will be hailed with the likes of Odysseus and the other legends. He has sacrificed himself to save us all, and this wasn't the first time. At the age of 12, he defeated a Minotaur without any training at all, and that was the start of his journey. The same year, he retrieved Zeus' Master Bolt and defeated Medusa. 

He accomplished too many things to list out, but one of the major, most well-known things he did, he led us into battle against the Titan of Time. 

Again, after that, he threw himself into Tartarus, risking his life and sanity for Annabeth Chase, whom he loved above all things. Immediately after escaping, he was thrown into battle against a primordial. Percy Jackson defeated her, against all odds and in a spectacular show of bravery, strength and heroism. But, it was at the cost of many lives... Including that of his closest friends and his love.

When he came back, he did not come back whole. But, with the Avengers help," Chrion paused to nod his thanks and acknowledgement to the team, who solemnly nodded back, "He healed. Only to be thrown into another war against a primordial, but this time... Percy was forced to sacrifice himself for us."

Chiron's hands shook, as he looked down, tears brimming in his eyes.

"He... He was just a kid. Percy would cross his arms and glare at me for calling him a kid... But tht's the truth. Age-wise, he was just a kid, but he had fought in three wars, countless battles, and even more countless quests. And yet, he laid himself down to save us all."

Chiron wiped his eyes.

"But, above the hero Percy was, I will never forget his humor and loyalty. He always knew how to lighten a situation, and he always took it upon himself to help those in need, even if it meant bending over backwards for them. And let us not forget, he would do anything to help a loved one, and he would never turn his back on anyone.

It was a great honor on my part to train Percy and watch him grow. He truly is one of Olympus' greatest heroes, and I am sad to see him go, both as a mentor and friend."

With that, Chiron stepped back, ignoring the trembling of his hands and looking toward the crave bravely as he forced a small smile on his face.

Poseidon stepped up next. "I quite hope you know who I am, but if not, I'm Poseidon, Percy's dad." Poseidon tried joking, but it fell dead, as tears choked up his words. "Percy was one of the greatest sons I had..."

Afterwards, Jason gave a speech, followed by Nico, who mainly glared at the shroud through his tears as he said his speech Will had helped him with.

After the two demigods, the Avengers went, each giving their condolences, mourning over the death of such a close friend, and then sharing memories and stories about Percy with the camp.

When everyone but the Avengers, Nico, and Jason filed out, they let the dam break from the hurricane of emotion.

Nico shadow traveled to his cabin, crying and screaming and throwing things around. Tears stained his pale skin, the pain unmatched by anything else other than Bianca's death.

Jason was sitting silently in his cabin, tears flowing down his cheeks as silent sobs wracked his body. 

Steve excused himself to go running, and if when he came back, he was drenched in tears, snot, and sweat, claiming it was hotted than usual, no one said a word.

Natasha and Clint sparred like there was no tomorrow, because it certainly felt like it. They had lost people before, but it never got easier, and it never would. So, they took out their pain and grief on each other, wielding knives and staffs with deadly precision.

Thor, after the shroud burning, whirled Mjolnir in the air, and flew off to be by himself. He would return three days later.

Stark flew off, also. Only, he disappeared for a week. (He spent the week burying himself under machine oil and work and coffee until he passed out from exhaustion, but at least he avoided the alcohol.)

Bruce excused himself to the forest. If anyone noticed the torn apart trees, again, no one said a word.

Because each and every one of them was in pain and grief and despair and guilt. Each and every one of them mourned Percy's death.

Only, unbeknownst to them, a silent teenager stood hidden in the shadows, forlornly watching them and unable to do anything else. His sea-green eyes flashed, and dark hair swirled, before he was gone in a vapor.

A/N: One more chapter (an epilogue) after this... I can't believe this story has gotten this far! Thank you so much for sticking to the story and reading my story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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