Chapter 21: Summer Camp

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Summer, the most loved time of year for students. The time of year where one is relieved of their duties and rewarded with a long vacation. To some it was just another unbearable season attempting to stay hydrated. You however are a complicated child who loves and hates summer. Love the season for gracing your with something called, 'camp'; on the other hand you hate it because of the hot whether conditions.

Today was it, the last day of school. You only had seven hours of school on your last day. There was nothing to do except sign year books and old T-shirts. Sure everyone will return the next year no different than today. According to Mrs. Applebottom, this was the last day to say good bye to her class and farewell to childhood.

"That's right." She weeps. "As of today, you are still children. Cute, innocent babies." She sniffles. "Cherish today and your vacation wherever you go because once you come back, you won't be coming back to Elementary school anymore. You'll start your first day in middle school. You'll no longer be innocent kids who don't know what certain things are anymore. You'll be more curious, independent, smart boys and girls." She sulks into her tissue. The class carried a mixture of feelings for their teacher. Pity, annoyance, or no emotion at all. You could have sworn in the corner of your eye, Olivia and her posse were weeping with Mrs. Applebottom. You raise your brow in question. Ace groans tossing his head back in his seat.

"Ugh! I don't know how much more of this I can take. This is ridiculous. We're just going on vacation."

"I don't know Ace. Seems like a big deal to Mrs. Applebottom. I mean look at her. She's a wreck." Sabo said. "I feel kind of bad for her but we all have to move up the latter right? Next year we'll be in middle school so technically we're not kids anymore."

"Hey, yeah!" Ace acknowledges. "Mom will no longer treat us like babies." You snort at their conversation.

"Yeah, no that doesn't mean anything." You interject. "Mom doesn't give up on smothering you no matter how old you are. She's just mom. Although I hate the constant smothering, a world without her would be an odd place to be. I wouldn't want to change her." The boys exchange a look considering what you said. They hated to admit it, mostly to prevent from embarrassing themselves, but they love Veronica just the way she is as you said. Her constant affection towards everyone was actually reassuring. Small smiles tug their lips. You catch a glimpse and scoff knowing you proved them wrong.

"Damn, well whatever. I'm just glad to finally be free of this joint."

"Speaking of freedom, you want to start the count down as promised?" Sabo smirks. You shift to both inquisitively seeing a glint of mischief in their eyes. You face palm wondering what will happen. They take a deep breath and slam their fists onto their desk in a rhythm.

"Five, four, three..." The teacher was left baffled by the countdown. All the students joined in until the clock reached the end. "Two, one!" The bell rings signaling the end of class and the end of their year.

"SCHOOL'S OUT!" A kid shouts earning an encouraged cheer from the class. Everybody storms out. Mrs. Applebottom is left distraught and a little angry that your brothers have interrupted her class. Sabo and Ace take your hand and run before the teacher could catch and lecture the two. The stampede of children kept her from doing so trapping her by her desk.

"You rotten kids!" She shouts then sighs. "I'll miss those brats." She scoffs.

You laugh running along side your boys escaping the hands of your teacher felt like such an exciting rush. You stop in front of the parking lot catching your breath's. You couldn't stop laughing. Ace and Sabo high five each other.

"Not that great but we did it. We should do it every year."

"Let's do it." Sabo chirps.

"Let's do it!" You agree. Your brothers look at you in surprise. "That was so much fun. Why don't we do that often?"

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