When we got inside he walked up to one of the employees. They started talking about something but I couldn't hear since Jungkook had told me to stay there while he talked to him. The employee nodded and started talking to one of the girls. She smiled at us and told us to follow her. Jungkook held my hand again and she led us to a huge section that was empty. "You're waiter will be here in a few minutes." She smiled at us. Her eyes lingered on Jungkook for a few extra seconds but he was paying no attention to her. She glanced at me. We made eye contact and she rushed away.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked and looked around again, seeing if there were people anywhere near us. "I rented out this section." Jungkook said, not looking up from his menu. I snapped my head towards him. "You're spending way too much money." I said and he looked up at me with a sweet smile. "You can say that all you want. It's not going to make me want to stop spoiling you." I felt the familiar warmth creep up my cheeks.

Our waiter came and we ordered before we were left alone again. "Where have you been all day?" I asked and he bit his lip. "I was with Yoongi and Jin all day." I nodded.

The waiter came and brought us our food. We started eating. Jungkook became quiet so I started asking him random questions to try and fill the silence. He finished his food and watched me as I ate. I eventually got full and pushed my plate away, which still had food on it. "Are you okay?" I asked Jungkook. He was fidgeting with his hands and looking around. "Y/N.." He turned his head and made eye contact with me.

He gave me a soft, and nervous, smile as he started pushing his chair back. He walked over to the side of the table. I gasped when he bent down on one knee, realizing what was happening. "Y/N... I know that I could take you to a McDonald's and you'd be fine with that. I'd be fine with that. I'll be happy no matter what, as long as I get to spend time with you. But I also know that you deserve so much better than a fast food restaurant. You deserve all the love in the world. And I'm not talking about love from people like Jisung, cause I'd pick nothing over whatever he thinks that is. You deserve real love. I've already given you all of mine. You've had all of mine for as long as I could remember. I don't know how I fell for you. And I don't have the slightest idea what luck I had that actually fell for me too, but I'm more grateful for that than anything. I want to be with you. Forever. I want to be the one that makes you laugh and smile. The one that cheers you up whenever you're sad even though I'll do everything I can to make sure you're not sad. But shit still happens. And I want to be the one who's there to comfort you when it does." I wasn't crying. I was full on sobbing right now. Like ugly sobbing. But I didn't care. Cause it was Jungkook. That's what I loved about him. He didn't care what I looked like. Ugly or not, he loved me. Which was more than anything I could ever ask for.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box. "Please Y/N. Be mine, forever. Will you marry me?" I couldn't even manage to put together a sentence. I just nodded and threw my arms around him. He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed me. He wiped the tears from my eyes before connecting our lips again.

I felt happier than ever. I'd never imagined that I'd ever be this happy to get engaged. No, I was beyond happy. I didn't even know what I was.

I loved Jungkook more than anything. I'd been offered with so many chances to leave him and move on. I never considered it. Not even once. My life became so much better ever since I'd started dating him. I wouldn't ever try to change that. I needed Jungkook.

We were interrupted when Jungkook reached into his pocket suddenly. I looked at him with a confused face. "My phone's going off. It's Yoongi." I was still confused and he held up a finger, answering the call. He pulled me over to him so that we could both be seen in the camera. Yoongi saw both of our faces and instantly already knew the news. "Show me!" He said excitedly and I held my hand up, showing him the ring. "I can't tell what's prettier.. The ring or the girl." I heard Jin's voice and laughed. "The girl." Jungkook said and kissed my cheek. "You're welcome you ungrateful fuck." Yoongi said and Jin hit his shoulder. "Be nice." He said and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Welcome for what?" I asked, confused again. Jin shoved Yoongi and took the phone. I laughed when he started checking himself out in the camera. "We're the ones who prepared Jungkook." He said. "You should've seen him this morning. He was a nervous wreck." Jungkook sighed and we could heard Yoongi laughing in the background. "We're going to come see all of you." Jungkook said and Jin nodded. "We'll see you soon." Jungkook pressed the hang up button and stood up, helping me up afterwards. "Do we get to tell the others now?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let's just hope those two don't tell them before we get there."



I know the ending sucks I'm sorry. This book has just been going on so long and I wanted to finish it. It was either I do this or it'd never end cause I have no idea how to end stories.

Be Mine || Jungkook ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें