Chapter 42 - "Feel it."

Start from the beginning

The car door swings open and there stands Hunter. "Get the fuck out."

What the hell? I climb out.
"Hunter what the hell are you doing here?!" Gino follows me out and walks towards me.
"What the fuck? You could blow our cover?" He shrieks.

"How can I blow your cover if no one knows who the fuck I am you idiot?!"

Good point.

"Hunter, what do you want?"

"What do I fucking want? Your father is at my house right now! She's moved him in!"

"WHAT???" This has to be a fucking joke?!

"I was at the office, came home and they're in the lounge arguing with each other I thought he came back for you so I stepped in and asked what the fuck he wanted, told him you didn't want to go back there he said he's on business here and he needed somewhere to say."

"And you let him stay there??"
This cannot be happening.

"Do I look fucking insane, lady? Of course I didn't! Your fucking mother invited him to stay, what the hell can I say?"

"Ok, I get it this is crazy, but why are you here?"

"Yeah why are you here? Came to check up on me, boss?" Gino pipes up, he can never keep his fucking mouth shut.

"You remember I'm your fucking boss, right? You remember who the fuck you're talking to!"

I need to calm this situation down, and quickly. I've never seen Hunter so angry...

"Please can we just get back to our job? You're both acting like fucking children?" I shout. Probably not the brightest idea I've ever had, but it seems to work.

"Who exactly are you shouting at like that, baby?" Hunters so fucking sexy when he talks to me like that but Gino... Gino's fuming.

"She's allowed to say and do whatever the hell she likes, I don't care who you are, my boss, my mother or the fucking queen. You don't get to talk to her like that!"

Hunter huffs, hard. Like he's containing every single bit of anger inside of him - which is bullshit because it will have to come out at some point and I'm not in good shape for that kind of sex right now.

"I'm sorry." He shrugs, simply before continuing.. "Look, I just got pissed, I wanted to see you. You know why."

I do, he gets angry and instead of hurting someone he fucks me. Kinda hot, however, I'm on a fucking job - FOR HIM. Is he crazy?

I have to think about this before I say anything, I have to think about both of these guys. Gino and Hunter.

"Am I on a job, Hunter?"

"Well obviously, darling."
I hate his sarcastic tone, it doesn't suit him at all. Only Gino can pull that sexy shit off.

"Did you put me on this job? With Gino?"

"Uh huh."
I hate that arrogant sexy bastard, why does he have to be like this?

"Then why the fuck are you here?"
I might regret this, but I don't care right now. I'll take whatever consequences I have to, because this man - this beautiful, controlling, jealous man - does not get to tell me what to do and he certainly does not get to stalk me! Ok so that's an exaggeration he's not stalking me, but he's definitely checking up on me, on us.

"I told you I got pissed, I wanted to see you. That's all there is to it."


Lies. Pure lies. I can't fucking tell her why I'm here, I don't have the balls to. Because some time soon, anytime now she will find out - and I have to be here for her when she finds out. Her whole world is about to come down and fall around her, I don't give a fuck about Gino right now, if only I could just speak - tell her ... but I can't. I just can't be the one to break it to her.
My little lady. I'm so sorry. So fucking sorry, baby.

Her phone rings, my heart is beating to the dozen. This is it.



He got pissed? What kind of excuse is that? He's obviously just jealous - he wants to know what's happening here, he wanted to check on us. How dare he?
My phone, again.
Well at least I know it isn't Hunter.
I roll my eyes at him then reach for my phone, what the hell does she want?

"Hey, I can't talk right now, can I call you back?"

"No, this is urgent, please..."

Her voice is shaky, is she crying?

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?"

"No it's not - nothing is ok, it's Logan..."

When your legs don't work anymore, you collapse. They just crumble underneath you. You can't cry, you just can't. There's no kind of tears for something like this. I remember pain - I remember real pain - I remember this kind of pain, only once. The kind of pain that rips your heart out, takes away your soul.

The only time I've ever felt this pain before - Bobby.

To be continued.....


Kisses 😂 xx

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