Chapter 20 - "Home truths."

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When I get home, I sneak down to the basement to steal a bottle of Hunter's finest liquor. He won't mind.

I make my way back to my room, and get the night started... A bit early.

I dress myself into a tight white short dress, with heavy cleavage and black  toeless wedges.

I curl my hair, and paint my lips and nails in blood red.

Feeling sexy and slightly tipsy, I'm ready.
Ready for whatever or whoever ..
I'm ready.

I text Faron to pick me up in the taxi on the way.

I try and sneak out but just as I'm leaving through the side pool exit I hear footsteps followed by a voice behind me.



I turn and smile. Hoping he doesn't realised I'm wavy already.


"Where the fuck are you going dressed like that?"

"Going to forget about you dude, don't wait up."

"WHAT?" he snarls.

He storms towards me.

"You didn't mean that." he's very close to me.. Very nearly touching me.
If anyone seen us..

"I do mean it. I'm going clubbing, and I'm gonna get extremely drunk. Make sure she stays out of my way when I'm home. She's not the only person in our family that's a bitch when she's drunk." I shrug.

"You're fucking pissed already ain't you?"


"Have you been down the basement?"


I feel like a kid, that's lying. I'm shit at lying anyway.. But right now I'm drunk so its blatantly obvious there's no truth.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Baby, stop this shit. You know why - I told you."

"Don't call me baby."


"Because Daddy, I mean shit to you. Save your sweet words for your wedding vows."

He's clearly taken aback by my little outburst. I think he knows I'm just drunk. He thinks its the drink talking.
It's the drink making me brave enough to say what needs to be said.
I feel a lot of that happening tonight..
Some people need some home truths.

I walk off. He doesn't shout after me.. He doesn't follow me.

He texts me.

I carry on walking as I read the text message.


We need to talk when you're sober. You need the whole truth. Please be safe tonight and don't do anything sober Rylee wouldn't do. You mean a lot to me...

He wants to give me the truth when he sees he's pushed me away?
Fuck off, pal. Take a hike.
OK but also did he just say I mean a lot to him? My stomach did a little angry somersault.

We get to the club, and get a round of shots. The lads haven't arrived yet.
I'm already half cut so make my way to the dance floor.
With complicated blazing through my eardrums the words seem fitting.

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