"Sure Madhu. You know overweight could cause a lot of health problems" Neha

"So I took medication to become pregnant. It caused me overweight which is danger to my pregnancy" Madhu was angry

"I explained to you the side effects for the drugs and you accepted the risk" Neha

"Yes which is clear now was a bad decision" Madhu

"Will you calm down? We are not here to discuss your decision bad or good. We are here to seek a solution for our problem" RK

"Ok. What can we do to save this pregnancy? I can't lose another baby. I just can't" Madhu started to cry

"Hay relax my love. You know getting stressed isn't good for you" RK side hugged his wife

"I'll prescribe you medicine for your bp. You need to rest and stay away from any stress. We have to monitor it. You must check it every day at least" Neha

"We will do anything you want us to do. But we can't lose this" RK

"You won't. Don't worry" Neha

"Thank you doctor" RK

After a month

"Madhu, Rishabh come lunch is ready." Padmini

"Ok mom we are coming." RK

"Come Madhu let's check your bp." RK

RK checked his wife bp as he is doing for month now every day.

"It is almost normal. Here take your bills." RK

"Thank you my love." Madhu

"What is wrong?" RK

"What do you mean?" Madhu

"You look disturbed." RK

"Nothing." Madhu

"Don't worry everything will be Ok." RK

"I hope so. I really do." Madhu was crying silently

"Madhu. What did we tell you? You can't be stressed. It is not good for your baby my love. Please don't think about it. Everything will be Ok." RK

"If I lose this pregnancy, I will die." Madhu

"Don't say that. You won't lose it. Everything will be Ok. Don't ever talk about death again. Do you understand me?" RK was angry

"I won't. I'm sorry." Madhu

"Come let's eat. Mom is waiting for us." RK

After a month

RK and Madhu were in hospital doing Ultrasound test for Madhu

"Everything is good Madhu. The baby is fine." Neha

"Thank you doctor." Madhu

"Now you passed your first three months. You are free to move as you like now." Neha

"So I can work now." Madhu

"Don't rush things Madhu." RK

"I don't recommend you to work now. You can move in your house. But work can stress you now. And we don't want that for your bp." Neha

"Ok doctor. Whatever you say we will do." Madhu

"Good Madhu. We need you to be careful as much as you can to get you and the baby for safety." Neha

"We will doctor don't worry." RK

"Thank you doctor." Madhu

"I will see you after two weeks ok?" Neha

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