Chapter 2

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Jason walked into the classroom full of shouting 9 and some 10 year old's, with Freddy at his side.

"Hey, thanks for the answers," He had mumbled to Jason once they sat down where they usually sat, in the back, in the right corner.

Jason didn't like talking at school, because whatever he did, everyone else thought it was wrong. I mean, it was whatever! He would say the right answer to a math question, and snickers would fill the room. And the thing is, why doesn't the teacher hear them? And what if she does hear them and just doesn't want to help him?

Jason's normal.

At least... Michael and Freddy say that, but Jason doesn't like to believe what they say to him, even though they are trying to make him feel better about himself. He really knows there is nothing better about him. He is a deformed kid, who can't do anything.

Freddy and Michael try to make him feel better about himself, Freddy saying stuff like, 'Good job' or, 'your so smart,'; little comments like that. Jason had sometime asked the two if he was smart, or normal, and Michael would nod. Jason was grateful for his friends, even though one of them was always talking, snapping his words in a mean way, and one of them wouldn't even talk.

They were his friends.

After long minutes of hearing the teacher go on and on about the tests tommarrow and about grammar, the bell finally rang. Jason jumped out of his seat. He was done with his reading sheet and math review for the test tomorrow and all he was doing was drawing little squiggles all over the piece of paper used to help him write down his work.

He waited for Freddy to get up, and they both started to walk towards the lunch room, where they would meet Michael.


"Hey Mike," Freddy had greeted the 6 year old.

Kids of all ages were sitting at the large tables, eating their lunches that were either packed, or bought right in the school. Freddy lead the group to their usual table in the back, and they all sat down, looking bored as usual.

"What do you have Michael?" Freddy asked the little 6 year old, who was in the middle of eating his sandwich.

He swallowed the big piece of chewed sandwich and opened his sandwich, revealing ham and cheese with a little bit of mustard.

"Lucky, I got peanut butter jelly..." Freddy groaned.

Jason opened his sandwich revealing turkey and he said, "I'll trade you..." Freddy stared at the turkey with hungry eyes and accepted the offer.

"Thanks!" Freddy had said as he snatched the sandwich from Jason's grasp, and gave his sandwich to Jason.

"How can you not like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...?" Asked Jason with his mouth full of bread, peanut butter, and jelly.

Freddy almost gagged at the sight and he said, "Don't talk with your mouth full of food!"

Michael had chuckled, his voice high pitch like a squeal.

Jason had smile, but had listened and swallowed his food before saying, "Sorry, Freddy..." Freddy had smiled and said, "It's okay."

Freddy took a large bite of his new turkey sandwich and swallowed quickly. "Oh no... trouble..." He murmured.

A group of kids had started to walk forward. And these were the kids that would always make fun of them. 

Freddy had never really known what they had done. They are pretty normal. Normal...  Freddy thought sadly.

"So, we got the little psycho gang right here," The oldest had said.

"We got the little kid who is so creepy he had to be picked up by a 9 year old bus instead of a 6 year old bus, where he belongs," a girl who looked to be 12 had said.

"The little freak who looked like a deformed vegetable!" A 10 year old boy had said.

"And the weirdo who smashed a hamster with a hammer!" The oldest boy had said. "Not to mention he wears that ugly sweater!" The 12 year old girl had said with a laugh.

Freddy rarely listened to what they had to say about his appearance. He slowly put his sandwich down and stood up.

"What do you want?" He had asked.

The four kids shrugged and said, "I was just going to ask... if you wanted the rest of our lunch..." They sounded so innocent, but really the three kids knew, that the bullies were up to no good.

"Wh...what?" Jason said, baffled. 

Freddy looked to Jason and looked to him, trying to tell him to stop talking. Jason understood and took the order right away.

"We don't wan't any..." Freddy had said, his voice unsteady with a hint of confusion, ruining his stern statement.

A loud splash filled the room, and covering all three of the boys was piles of random cafeteria food, stainging their clothes and getting in their hair. "Oops!" One of the girls in the group said, and they all walked away, snickering.

Freddy slumped in his seat, his face a furiouse red color. 

"We're just sitting here, doing nothing!" Freddy shouted, flustered, speaking his thoughts and feelings.

Jason and Michael shook there heads, a mix of sadness, shame, and anger crossed their faces. Freddy looked to them and said, "What are we going to do about it?!"

Michael took a finger and slid it across his throat.

"Hurt them... I like it!" Freddy had said. He flashed an evil grin, showing that what they had to do, had to be the worse thing to do to any person whatsoever.


Michael frowned, quickly, so nobody would be able to tell.

He didn't say 'hurt'...

He meant kill.

"So what should we do?!" asked Jason. He didn't look that excited for whatever we were going to do. He actually seemed uneasy.

Michael wasn't. Excitement ran threw his veins, making his heart beat faster and faster. 

We can finally teach them that what they do, is not acceptable. That it actually hurts.

Freddy looked to both Michael, and then Jason.

"When they hang out near the school we can dump something on them." Jason had suggested.

It was true, the bullys would stay near the brick wall in the back of the school, they could dump something nasty on top of them. Blood? Raw meat?

"Smart, I like that, Jason," Freddy said as she slowly crumbled his sandwich and put it in the brown paper bag. "What should we let fall on their head though?" 

Jason and Freddy looked to Michael, looking for an answer.

Random items ran threw his head until he just decided to go with his gut.

"Marbles..." He whispered.

Michael had loved marbles. He would play with them outside, making a chalk outline of a circle, and playing the game by himself.

He had thought that marbles would hurt them badly, I mean from such height they actually could. They were glass, and going fast, they could make the mean bullies black and blue. The marbles, from al the way on top of the roof, could act like bullets. 

Freddy had a huge smile one. A wicked grin.

Jason smiled as well, his nervousness now gone, and his body craving revenge.

And revenge the three would get.

As Kids -A Horror Fanfiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now