Chapter F I F T E E N

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Jennie's beautiful, brown eyes fluttered open exactly at 7 a.m. The first thing she saw was Junhoe's sleeping face which looked extremely adorable and handsome at the same time. His muscular-toned chest raised up and down as he sleep.

Jennie smiled and took her time, looking at every inch of his face. admiring every features of Junhoe's face, especially Junhoe's tiny mole below his pumped lips

Jennie shook her weird thoughts off her head and got out of bed, feeling fresh. She looked into the mirror and smiled at herself to boost up her confidence and energy. She stretched for a bit and went into her tidy and aesthetic toilet, washed her face and puts on her facial mask. She woke Junhoe up after doing so.

"ya~ Junhoe" Jennie poked Junhoe's toned abs twice "wake up, it's evaluation day"

Junhoe's eyes slowly fluttered open after a couple of pokes. He smiled as soon as he saw Jennie but he was secretly shock by Jennie's appearance because of her facial mask. He yawned and sat up from the bed with his hair sticking out every direction, looking all messy.

"did you sleep well ?" Junhoe asked as he sat up from her bed and stretched his tall body

"yes, i did" Jennie pointed his messy hair with a weird look "i'm guessing you slept well too"

Junhoe held his hair and laughed at Jennie's horrible sense of humour before standing up and stretching again.

"Go shower, i'll prepare breakfast" Jennie demanded as she crossed her arm across her chest.

"what ? no !" Junhoe pouted sulkily and dropped to the cold ground "you haven't even showered !"

"you should go first" Jennie grinned and walked out the room to the kitchen quickly before Junhoe complains more

"but-t" Junhoe said before Jennie walked out "fine"

Junhoe let Jennie win this time and went in the toilet to shower. Jennie cooked breakfast which was peanut butter waffles, bananas, french toast and hot tea. Junhoe went out the toilet and Jennie was done preparing breakfast.

"you can go have breakfast first" Jennie said as she grabbed her towel from her closet.

"it's fine, i'll wait for you" Junhoe said while drying his hair with his towel.

"alright, suit yourself" Jennie smiled widely before walking in the toilet.

Jennie took a shower for 10 minutes and put on her make up and her outfit too. Junhoe played his phone while waiting for Jennie. He brought the luggage to the living room when Jennie showered.

"i can't believe you actually waited for me" Jennie chuckled a bit as she saw Junhoe

"of course, i keep my word" Junhoe looked up from his phone and smile "come on, let's eat. we're gathering at Hanbin's house"

"why ? how'd you know ?" Jennie asked as she sat down at the dining table with Junhoe.

"he texted me awhile ago" Junhoe replied and grabbed a waffle.

They ate breakfast quickly and talked more about a random topic Junhoe brought up once they went silent. They checked their belongings once again before walking out the house with their luggage and locking the door. They made their way to Hanbin's house and almost all the member's are there.

"ya~ i miss you !" Lisa exclaimed and hugged Jennie as if it's been years.

"i miss you too, Lisa-ah !" Jennie response with a smile "we're going back to our normal life after this"

"oh, Jennie !" Jisoo saw Jennie and jogged to her with Yunhyeong "how are you feeling ?"

"are you nervous ?" Yunhyeong asked and formed a slim smile.

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