Chapter O N E

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it was Saturday, the trainees's day off. Jennie would usually wake up early, go to the gym and work out for about 45 minutes before heading back home. Lisa usually wake up late,  probably around 1 or 2 p.m just like Rose. well, as for the oldest member, Jisoo, She would wake up early to prepare breakfast for Jennie.  Then, spend her day, walking around the nearest park and enjoy the breezy morning.

it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Jennie  wanted to buy her favorite lipbalm, her daily face mask and grab some snacks for herself. She decided to go to the convenience store near the gym. She was walking down a street when she received a call from Mr.Yang's staff who handles most of the things for the girls , Mr.Lee

"oh, it's Mr. Lee !" Jennie exclaimed as she stopped walking to look at her phone and answered the call, nervously as always. "good evening , Mr.Lee"

["good evening, Jennie-ah" Mr.Lee paused for a few seconds " i just need to inform you that Mr.Yang wants you to attend a meeting today" ]

"jinjja ?" Jennie exclaimed and looked around the busy street "do you have any idea why ?"

["i do, but. Mr.Yang ordered me to zip it" Mr.Lee said and sighed]

"oh, i see" Jennie said slowly. "am i the only one invited ?"

[ "i can't tell you that too, i'm sorry" Mr. Lee apologized]

"okay then, what time is the meeting ?" Jennie was hoping for an answer.

[ " the driver will pick you up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon" Mr.Lee answered Jennie's question this time ]

"alright, is that all ?" Jennie asked as she looked at her watch.

[ "yes, don't forget to pack your bags, i mean luggage. Bring all your clothes and everything" Mr.Lee said quickly. "see you later , Jennie" ]

"pack my bags ?" Jennie was about to ask him another question but he hung up quickly "what do you mean ?"

Jennie realized that Mr.Lee ended the call and sighed as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. She stood there for a couple of minutes, looking around and thought of what Mr.Lee said which made her stomach twist nervously.

"Aish ! i was about to go somewhere ! Where was i going ?" Jennie mumbled to herself and scratched her head. "Right , the convenient store"

Jennie continued walking until she reached the convenient store. She was surprised to see a group of reporter, paparazzi and some girls outside the convenient store, looking for someone that may be inside the store. Jennie was confused.

"what's going on ? should i just walk in the store ?"

jennie decided to walk in the store anyways. ignoring the reporter's mumbles as she walk pass them . Heard some of them saying 'YG entertainment' which made her eyes land on the reporter who said that and walked in the store, still confused.

Jennie went to the snack section and grabbed some chips, chocolate and a tub of ice cream as she walk past the frozen section. Jennie suddenly craved for the spicy ramen which is quite rare to find. She thought it might be her lucky day so, she walked to the Ramen section near the seating area where people can cook Ramen and eat there,

There was a guy there.

he was tall, his face were not visible as he was using a cap. His lips was shown a bit as he ate his Ramen. He was wearing a denim jacket with a white shirt inside. She found herself staring. the guy looked up from his ramen cup and caught Jennie's beautiful hazel eyes. She turned her head back to the Ramen racks and searched for the rare brand.

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