Chapter F O U R

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It was 5:45 a.m when Someone entered The girl's apartment. They were all sound asleep. It was Hanbin, Yunhyeong and Junhoe who entered the apartment. They went past the living room, saw two girls sleeping in the Living room.

"ya~ they are so clean" Yunhyeong whispered as they walked past the living room.

"shut up" Hanbin shushed Yunhyeong, placing a finger in front of his small mouth

They looked for Jennie's room and finally found it. It was the Northern room. Jennie and Lisa was still asleep. The three of them tip toed into their room, closed the door slowly and walked to Jennie's bed.

She looked innocent and perfect , like an angel

"hurry up already" Junhoe said and rolled his eyes.

"why don't you wake her up then ?" Hanbin snapped silently and looked at Junhoe.

"no thanks, you go ahead" Junhoe said

"yunhyeong, you do it" Hanbin said and elbowed Yunhyeong.

"Aish ! it isn't that hard !" Yunhyeong said and walked closer to jennie's bed.

Lisa moved to face the wall and she was still asleep. The boys were shocked.

"ya~ come on" Junhoe said and pushed Yunhyeong a bit.

Yunhyeong gave an annoyed look to Junhoe and turned back at Jennie who was still asleep. Yunhyeong slowly puts his hand on jennie's shoulder and shook her.

"Jennie ? it's me. Yunhyeong" Yunhyeong said softly as his tone changed.

Junhoe and Hanbin were at the back holding their laugh. Yunhyeong shoots a look.

"wake up, Jennie~ya" Yunhyeong said.

"it's still early, Hanbin said to wake up at 6:30" Jennie said and turned to face the wall.

"Jennie, wake up" Hanbin said and shook her shoulder just like Yunhyeong.

"Lisa~ just 5 more minutes, okay ?" Jennie said and wiggled her shoulder.

"aish ! this girl !" Junhoe was impatient, he grabbed a part of her blanket and looked at His two friends.

"Junhoe, No" Yunhyeong said but it was too late.

Junhoe pulled her blanket off which made her scream a bit and threw the ice pack at Junhoe. Junhoe caught it right before it hits his face.
Hanbin closed her mouth right before she could let out a scream. She finally realise it was the boys.

"ya~ you don't have to pull my blanket off to wake me up !" Jennie said and pouted cutely

"well, you took so long !" Junhoe fired back.

"aish !" Jennie trashed around childishly, as if she was throwing tantrum

"hey hey, calm down" Hanbin said and held her shoulder.

"Jennie, what's going on ?" Lisa got awakened up by the noises. She sat up from her bed, with her hair all messy while rubbing her eyes.

The boys all waved at Lisa. Lisa had no idea until she gained clear vision and consciousness

"eh ?! Hanbin ?" Lisa opened her eyes, shocked by their sudden presence

"hello" Yunhyeong said cutely and waved again

"Yunhyeong and Junhoe~oppa ?" Lisa turned her attention to Junhoe and Yunhyeong. "how'd you get in here ?"

"well, Jennie's spare keys fell to the ground yesterday" Hanbin explained quickly

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