Chapter E I G H T

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After 4 months of survival competition, the 4th monthly assessment.

Jennie got better and felt confident with her team. The fresh trainees were getting along, they're all the best of friends. They treated each other like sisters, share stories and care for eachother.

Jennie would usually drop off breakfast in front of IKON's apartment, rang the bell and go practice. She'd send breakfast 3 times a month, once a week. IKON and the girls rarely see eachother, sometimes Jennie's team end up sleeping in YG building since they were so tired after a long tiring day, practicing.

it was time for their usual monthly assessment evaluation, Jennie felt Anxious as she thought of her team and the group dance. Mr.Yang looked quite disappointed.

"i haven't seen any improvement, that's all i can say" Mr. Yang said and taps his pen. "and i think it's time to say goodbye to one of the girls"

Everyone was shocked especially the girls. They felt more anxious and nervous. Jennie prayed to god the girl leaving are not the senior Trainees.

"girls.." Mr.Yang said "say goodbye to Hanna"

The fresh trainees cried, so did Rose. Jisoo, Lisa and Jennie felt sad for hanna. The girls hugged Hanna who was crying. Mr. Yang and the rest of the producer left the room.

"i'm sorry, i disappointed you guys" Hanna said while sobbing.

"ya~ you did great !" Jisoo cheered her up. "Don't worry, after this competition, our debut, we'll still keep in touch"

"Hanna~" Eunbi who was really sad, hugged Hanna tightly, holding her best friend in her arms. "don't leave me here !"

"aish~ Eun" Hanna looked into Eunbi's teary eyes. "you have to win this, for me"

"I'm proud of you Hanna" Jennie gave Hanna a hug. "you did your best and your journey is still long"

Mr. Lee suddenly entered the room, which caught all the disappointed girls attention. Mr. Lee came in with Hanna's luggage

"your ride is here" mr. Lee said and looked down.

Everyone greeted goodbye, hugged Hanna one last time, before sending her off. watched her leave the room with her luggage

"ya~ mr. Lee, you didn't tell us there are elimination !" Miyeon said and pouted.

"i didn't expect it either !" Mr. Lee replied. "but to make it up to you, i held a party for you. they'll only be IKON though, since the rest are busy"

" a party ? you thought it's a great idea to party ?" Jisoo asked, sounding furious

"to cheer you guys up, you guys probably miss IKON" Mr. Lee said.

"maybe it'll help" Jinny looked at Jennie with hope

"let's just go" Jennie made her decision. "Mr.Lee made it for us, he's trying to cheer us up"

They all finally agreed to come.

"at the apartment's rooftop at 8:30" Mr.Lee said before leaving.

the girls went home, feeling sad. They miss Hanna already. Hanna would usually jump on the couch once they reach home. But now, there's nothing more than silence. The girls dressed up and went up on the rooftop. Well, Jennie went out first as she was curious about the view from up there.

Yunhyeong suddenly came out from their apartment with Hanbin and Chanwoo with him.

"oh, Jennie !" Hanbin waved at Jennie. "i'm really sorry for the lost"

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