Chapter F I V E

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"aish ! i'm hungry" Junhoe complained under his breath and held his toned abs.

"Let's go get lunch !" Yunhyeong said excitingly as he stood up with a lot of energy.

"i'm actually hungry too, let's go !" Hanbin stood up. "you guys not coming ?"

"owh, you guys invited us ?" Miyeon asked shyly and raised her eyebrows

"of course, now come on !" Yunhyeong replied and helped Miyeon got to her feet.

They went out and forced themselves in one van. It was crowded. Jennie had to cramp up with Yunhyeong and Junhoe at the back seat. Hanbin and the driver in front. Hanbin brought them to one of the best restaurant at Hongdae which is Myth Jakbol. The restaurant was a self-grilled restaurant.

Yunhyeong picked the largest table there, because there were 7 people in total. They sat down and Jennie had no choice but to sit next to Junhoe, since the rest took their seats early and left the seat next to Junhoe. Once the waitress approached the table to take their orders, Junhoe ordered the large beef set to grill. They ordered their drinks and Jennie drank some sprite to hype her up.

Lisa set up the table as she was the youngest there.

"so, while waiting for the food, why don't we tell a little bit more about ourselves" Yunhyeong suggested and smiled. "our dislikes, likes, our past, tell anything"

"am i involved in this ?" Junhoe asked Yunhyeong with a sarcastic look.

"ya~ of course, we should get to know each other better" Jinny said, flirting with Junhoe a bit.

"ladies first" Hanbin, being the gentleman he is ,smiled widely

"okay, i'll start then" Lisa volunteered and returned a smile. "i'm actually from Thailand"

"jinjja ?!" Yunhyeong was shocked by the unexpected fact. "that's cool !"

"i love to dance and i don't like insects" Lisa talked more about herself "when i got called by Mr.Yang, i was extremely nervous and i just got out from a cold shower"

"i was listening to ikon, B-day when they called" Miyeon said and made a thumbs up to the boys.

"i was asleep" Jinny told the others and they all laughed.

"i was going to the convenient store" Jennie said and looked at Junhoe, pretending not to know.

"what do you fear the most ?" Junhoe asked,changing the subject

"Jumpscares in haunted houses and movies" Lisa said dramatically but in a cute way

"Me too !" Jinny high five-d Lisa.

"Heights" Miyeon said and twitched a bit.

"mine's really weird" Jennie replied and bit her lips,trying to avoid the question.

"ya~ the others told their fear already" Junhoe said and elbowed Jennie softly.

"aish !" Jennie finally told her fear. "i'm afraid of losing people i love, being away from them."

"it's okay, jennie" Yunhyeong said soothingly. "it's nothing to be ashamed about, it just shows how much you care"

"Who's your favourite member in ikon ?" hanbin moved on to the next question and smirked.

"you really have to ask that Hanbin-hyung" Junhoe complained and groaned

"bobby !" Lisa chuckled and blushed a bit as she thought of his rabbit teeth.

"jinjja ?! that awkward guy ?" Yunhyeong was shocked as he expected her to say it's him

"he's not awkward" junhoe looked at Yunhyeong

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