Just One Of Those Memories

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Landon's P.O.V

"I'm glad you could make it." I slipped the sticky note in my pocket.

"I had to come." Tori said wrapping her arms around me.

"Tori." I pulled away.

"Yeah?" She looked at me with confusion.

"I'm really messed up." I replied while looking down.

"We all are." She ruffled my hair.

"I'm sorry for what happened to Royce and mom. I could've prevented it." I said feeling all guilty.

"It's not your fault." She kept a hand on my shoulder. "And I'm a pretty bad sister and a bad daughter." She admitted. "I ran away from home when you all needed me. I left mom, dad, you and Royce when you needed me the most. I failed as a daughter and a sister."

"You had your reasons." I replied.

"But now those reasons seem selfish." She patted my shoulder as she moved to pour herself a glass of water.

"Did you talk to dad?" I asked.

"I couldn't. I don't have the confidence to look him in the eyes." She laid her head backwards on the chair.

"If we do something wrong and selfish, shouldn't we get another chance do something right?" I asked which caught her attention.

"We have many chances to do the right thing but our guilt always prevents us from doing the right thing." She smiles sadly.

"Tomorrow can we begin again?" I looked at her hopefully.

"Lets see how it goes with dad. If he doesn't accept us then don't worry, I'm always there. I won't abandon you this time." She smiles.

Tori ran away from home when she was seventeen and I was twelve. She left leaving no clue about her whereabouts. Mom went into depression after she left and dad went ballistic but he wasn't bothered that she left, what bothered him was that how he'd cover she'd done. Royce and I were devastated until one day she called. I picked up the phone in the hall.

When I heard her voice I almost screamed in excitement but I had to hold it inn. It was a secret between Tori and I. We talked a few times secretly and I eventually visited her in February 2011. Later on things changed. She moved to Toronto and we lost touch. I knew that moment that it would be hard to stay in touch because she was getting busy in her life. It made me happy to see her happy while she pursued something she liked. And then situations weren't in my favour and that's when I lost my contact with her.

After the trial got over. I called Tori because she was the only one whom I could contact when I needed her. We had that kind of bond with which we could rely on each other. When I called her, I was surprised that she didn't change her number but again I was happy that I could hear her voice. I told her briefly on the events of past few years. She broke down on hearing about mom and Royce. As soon as I told her where I was, she came all the way to Cork from Chicago.

Now we were here in my hotel room. Where I was holding onto the note that Riley had left me. It has been nearly a month since we parted. I had no contact with her. All I had was her address that she left in the right pocket of my jacket. Even though we were miles apart and there was no way I could immediately see her, I just closed my eyes and thought about her. It felt like she was close to me. She is just one of those memories that keeps me alive.

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