Pretty Boys Can't Be Trusted

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Riley's P.O.V

I got up with a terrible headache. I felt like my brain was bouncing in my head because of which the pain felt like a current. I slightly opened my eyes and saw a very focused Ryder on the other side.

"Good morning hot shot." I want to roll my eyes at the name 'hot shot' but the headache was just so torturing.

"I h-have a terrible headache." I managed to tell him somehow.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot. Here take this." He handed me an aspirin with a mineral water bottle. I took the medicine with the water and laid back on the car seat till it subsides. Everything seemed so weird. I was kidnapped, starved and drugged and after that it's all blur. I turn to Ryder whose busy driving.

"Do you know what happened while I was conscious?" I look at him with curiosity.

"You were kidnapped by the most dangerous man in Dublin, you were also drugged and lastly, I saved you." He looked at me and then looked back at the road. Something felt weird but what was it. I tilt my head in frustration and look outside the window.

The scene was moving as we moved ahead. I remembered how Cole used to take me on long drives where I was almost surprised that journeys like that could be really interesting. I snapped from my thoughts and looked at Ryder but suddenly I felt like I found a missing puzzle. I saw a sign board which read 'Welcome To Waterford.'

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

"To Waterford." He said with a sigh.

"Why did you bring me here?" I was getting pissed by his behaviour.

"For you own safety." He replied shortly.

"You think you're keeping me safe by bringing me to an unknown place?! You have fucking kidnapped me and you think you're keeping me safe?!" I yelled at him.

"You need to calm down hot shot." He said while caressing my hand.

"Don't you dare touch me! You are a kidnapper." I pushed his hand away.

"I did not kidnap you. When I saved you, you were unconscious and I couldn't leave you anywhere in Dublin. It just wasn't safe." He sounded convincing but trusting him was hard. I didn't reply and looked outside the window. A few hours later the car stopped in front of a beautiful house.

"Come on hot shot. We have reached out destination." I turned to Ryder with unforgivable look. I got out of the car and followed him shortly.


Landon's P.O.V

I felt guilty for dragging Riley into my mess but it wasn't exactly my choice to get her involved. We never talked normally because most of the time we were fighting. I wanted to reach out to her but I was scared of how she would react if she knew who I really was. I was seventeen when I was sent to juvenile. Nobody cared to listen to my voice. My voice was suppressed and eventually it stopped. For six years I almost forgot how it felt to be with someone. Riley hates me and it hurts when she looks at me with those unforgivable eyes but I needed her so that I could survive this phase.

I pushed the doorbell and soon door opened revealing my old buddy Jamie. He was shocked to see me. I smiled and he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. He pulled back and he turned to Riley.

Ride And BabeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon