Rules Of Attraction Don't Imply

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Riley's P.O.V

Before landing in Dublin I made sure I don't look like a wasted scarecrow. Unfortunately my snapchat and Insta followers have to wait for my post till I come back but till then I will be collecting my pictures.

Dublin is just like how I imagined it would be, frost fairies embracing me with their bare hands. I step out of the taxi in front of a fine hotel. It seems old but maintained. The smell of paint shows that it's recently painted. The brightness in the lights and the neat uniforms of the guards defines that they maintain their quality of service.

The insight view of hotel isn't disappointing either. It is simple yet classic and the staff is very helpful. It maybe cold outside but the people here are so welcoming that it warms you within.


Its 12:00 p.m and I'm certainly not able to sleep. I hear the sound of water drizzling and it feels the moment I have been waiting for. I run like a five year old to play in the rain. I feel a sudden thrill and excitement touching these sparkling drops of rain. I want to capture this all but for the first time not in my camera but in my brain. Some memories are better hidden because pictures cannot display your emotions completely.

Sometimes you don't plan things and sometimes things don't go as planned. I embrace that moment as I bid goodbye but there's a flash of headlights and and a dreadful accident. I couldn't move as if I had frozen to my spot. I close my eyes as if ready to embrace my death but I guess I was destined for something more dangerous ahead. A stranger pulls me with a muscular arm wrapped around my waist. He makes me sit on the bench nearby and sits beside me. I could feel my heartbeat going faster then ever and my body trembling.

"Are you okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I guess." I reply unsure. "It' very hard to digest that a few seconds before I was about to die." I look at him with tears streaming down my eyes which were dissolving with the droplets of water.

"You don't look fine. Do you want me drop you to your place?" He removes his jacket and wraps it around my shoulder.

"It's nearby. I will manage." I stumble and and hold him for support. My eyes meets with his and I felt drawn to him in such a way that I couldn't explain. I let go of him and look away. "Thanks for um..... saving me." I put my hands in my pocket which I immediately regret as it is drenched in water.

"Your welcome." He smiles and pulls out a small bottle which I assume is liquor and gulps it down as if it's water.

"By the way what's your name?" It isn't some sort of corny love story that I would forget to ask his name.

"I don't think it matters." He leaves without saying goodbye. If it is the first and the last time I will meet him then I'm definitely regretting it.


I didn't get much of sleep last night. For a moment I had almost forgotten last night. I can feel an imaginary hangover taking over my body. I look around to see a pile of drenched clothes with a leather jacket on top. I go closer and introspect the jacket that's when all the memories come flashing back. It may not matter whether we know each other but I guess he would want his classic jacket back. It looks a bit old and rugged but classic for a guy like him.

Something is definitely wrong with me. I am searching for excuses to meet him again. I felt attracted to this guy. It is weird to feel attracted to a guy that you don't even know but it's this way for me. Rules of attraction don't imply when I'm breaking them anyways.

I chose to wear a NYC chic look for exploring this beautiful city and searching for the unknown. A white tank top with ripped jeans and a pair of converse is perfect to start the day. As I came downstairs, I saw a beautiful bicycle with a basket filled with lilies. When I was 7 years old, I wanted a bicycle just like that but dad couldn't find one.


I got the bicycle on rent for a few days which means it's mine. I could ride it for short distances. I drove to certain beautiful sights of Dublin. There is something in this Irish atmosphere. It feels like freedom, freedom from myself.

After covering a certain distance I was exhausted. I decided to take a coffee break. I drag my bicycle down the hill. Moreover before coffee I needed water and all I could see was a grocery store nearby. I managed to get a small water bottle and almost chocked  while drinking water when I saw a familiar face. It was the same guy from last night.

He looked different in his casual attire of military shorts and a white shirt. His chocolate brown hair were perfectly gelled. His height 6 feet 2 I guess because he is taller than I am. I get this feeling that I have seen him somewhere but where could I have possibly seen him?


"And we meet again." He looks at me and then continues to do his work. "I see your not much of a talker." I block his view which makes him frustrated and he looks directly into my eyes which makes me shudder within but I don't show it to him.

"What do you want?" He stares at me blankly.

" I um...wanted to return your jacket." I put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You didn't need to come all way here to return my jacket but thanks." He chuckles at my response. "Anything else?" He gives me a questioning look.

"You never told me your name." I ask him casually.

"Ryder." He lets out a sigh.

"By the way I'm Riley." I smile excitedly and there it goes. He rolls his eyes where millions of guys go crazy over my smile. I couldn't stand him anymore. He would not even spare me another glance. I look at him one last time. I hope I don't see you ever again 'Ryder'.

 I hope I don't see you ever again 'Ryder'

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I don't think the man needs an intro

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I don't think the man needs an intro.

Hey guys,

Isn't the view worth watching? Just kidding. Don't be disappointed I'll be updating soon with a new twist. Till then follow up with Ride And Babe.

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