Chapter Twenty Eight

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I hate waiting in the waiting room. It's the not knowing that's so bad. Every possible outcome goes through your mind. You're hopeful that everything is fine but in the back of your mind you fear the worst.

Every time the medical ninja walks by, I make sure to give him the nastiest look I can or pester him with questions about Naruto. I know it's not his fault, but watching him squirm is the only source of entertainment I have while I wait. After about an hour, Sai and Naruto emerge with stunned faces while Tsunade is beaming.

I stand and wait for them to come over to me. "So, how is everything?"

"I- I'm pregnant," Naruto says, void of any emotions.

His words reach my ears but their meaning elude me.  "Ca- Can you say that again?" He repeats what he said and I'm sure I heard him correctly.

"You knew," Sai says. "You knew, didn't you, Sakura?"

I shake my head. "I didn't actually think... I knew the medicine... How is this possible?" I ask, turning to Tsunade.

She shrugs. "It's a mystery. I can only guess that the Nine Tails is involved somehow..."

"You don't think it's trying to escape again, Grandma? Do you?" Naruto asks with fear in his voice as he clutches his stomach. She doesn't have to say anything, her silence says everything. My legs suddenly feel weak and I nearly collapse to the floor. The thought of the Nine Tails escaping and wreaking havoc on the village is a scary thought. Not to mentiom that Naruto would die if it were to escape.

"So, what are our options?" I ask meekly, not sure if I would like her response.

"Well," she says. "I don't see how this will be different than any other birth. The appropriate precautions will be taken. The hard part will be delivery..."

Naruto's eyes widen. "The baby's going to come out of my butt?!?" He grips his behind with a grimace, probably imagining the pain that would entail. It takes everything I have not to laugh while Tsunade appears to have given up on any hope she might have had for him.

With a sigh she begins to unenthusiastically explain about how a natural birth would usually happen. As she talks Naruto's eyes get wider and wider. "So, whst you are saying is that the baby..." He gulps, "Is going to come out of my man bits..."

"Perhaps Sakura should explain," she says as she gets makes an escape. Before I can object, she's gone. This is going to be a long night.

Sorry for taking so long to update! Just got back from vacation! Thanks for waiting :P

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