Chapter Nineteen

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I sit lazily on a branch high in a tree gazing out over the village. Kakashi easily found me earlier in the night with the help if his ninja hounds. He spoke to me for a while, telling me about how Naruto's feelings run rampant sometimes. As if I didn't know. He left me to brood, which I did for some time until I spotted Sakura exit the hut we are staying in and make her way to the forest. I don't move but wait until she comes within shouting distance.

"You can tell Naruto to save his breath." Sakura is startled by my voice but relaxes once she realizes it was me.

She jumps into the tree and takes a seat next to me. "He didn't send me to give you an apology."

I blow air out my nose in a sort of laughing manner and shake my head. "Of course he didn't."

"Its not that he isn't regretful!" Sakura exclaims panickedly as she waved her arms frantically. "It's just..."

"Just what?" I ask, suddenly growing frustrated of talking.

Sakura wrings her hands, a sign of nervousness, which peaks my interest. "I'm... the one who should apologize." This catches me off guard and I just stare at her. "I-" she takes a deep breath, clearly not wanting to say what she is about to. "I didn't want you two to be together so I..."

I can't help but laugh. "Regardless of your intentions, you didn't make him say the things he said."

"He was just caught u-" I cut her off.

"Spare me the rehash of Kakashi's speach," I state flatly.

"At least go see him!"

"I'll see him plenty on missions," I inform her as I stand to leave.

She stands with me and grabs my hand before I have a chance to leave. I look down at her hand grasping mine and raise an eyebrow at her. "Please, Sai," she begs, letting go of my hand. "He's suffered enough because of me. I can't bare to cause him even more suffering." With those final words, she leaves and I find myself all alone again. I glance towards the hut and sigh. I suppose a second chance couldn't hurt.

Naruto X SaiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon