Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next four days were heaven. To me at least. Sai came every time he was called and did everything I asked. He can give one hell of a foot massage. Even Sakura was extra sweet and polite. Though, I could tell that she wanted to hit me at times when I became too demanding. By midday Kakashi came to tell us that Tsunade was back and waiting for me at the hospital. Finally we would get some answers. Hopefully.

I decided to walk rather than let Sai carry me. He protested but Sakura said a little excersize would be good as long as I didn't overdo it. He made sure to remind me every dozen steps or so. I easily made it to the hospital without his help.

Once inside, a medic ninja tried to escort Sai and me to an examination room and make Sakura stay in the waiting room. "The Hokage will see them shortly and they will be out in no time!"

"Why does Sai get to go?!" Sakura asks the ninja who goes pale.

"I-It's a special re-request from t-the Hokage." The medic trembles in fear under Sakura's furious glare but doesn't waver. Eventually Sakura gives up and takes a seat and allows the ninja to escort us to the back.

"It'll be a just a moment!"  He sings cheefuly, clearly over Sakura's behavior. Makes sense. Stuff like that probably happens all the time. He slides the door shut and leaves Sai and me alone.

It's not long before Tsunade shows up. She slips into the room, closing the door behind her. She visual inspects me before motioning for me to take a seat on the exam table. "How have you been feeling?" She takes out a scope and checks my eyes.

"Pretty good! Whatever you gave me seems to be working!"

"Any pain or discomfort?" She moves on to my ears.

I shake my head. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"You do complain that your feet hurt..." Sai reminds me.

"Oh yeah... They do a little I suppose." I laugh nervously.

"Okay, lay back for me." I follow her instructions and she rolls up my shirt to reveal my stomach. "Looks like you've been eating well," she says jokingly about my little pudge. She places her cold hands on me and I shiver. Rather than use medical ninjutsu, she gently pushes around my stomach. "Hmmm."

"What is it?" I ask, tired of not having any answers.

"Give me just a moment." She activates her ninjutsu that she used last time. It takes her longer this time. After what feels like forever she smiles and rolls my shirt back down.

"Is it gone?!" Sai asks excitedly.

"No," she says with a smile still on her face. "It's still there."

We both stare at her, completely stunned at how happy she looks despite the news she just gave us. "Then... Why are you happy?"

Rather than answering, she asks us a question. "Are you two sexually active?" She gets her answer without either of us speaking. Our faces are so red that we didn't need to say anything. "I figured as much when I last saw you."

"W-why d-does that m-matter?" I'm so embarrassed that I can barely speak.

"Well," she says. "I don't know exactly how, but that lump is a baby."

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