Chapter Three

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Like usual, I'm the last one to reach the gate. Seems like it was a good thing too since I arrive just in time to witness Sakura punch Sai across the street and through the wall of a restaurant before storming off towards Kakashi who looks kind of guilty. "What's got her in such a bad mood?" I ask Sai as I reach through the hole and pull him, ignoring the stunned faces of the people inside.

Sai brushes debris off of his clothes and quickly glances at Sakura before turning his attention to his bruised cheek. "I asked a simple question is all."

"Go figure. She's always been a monster." I quickly turn my head, checking if Sakura heard me. I breath a sigh of relief when I see that she's standing a ways off by Kakashi.

Sai seems to have noticed as well. "Another slip like that and you could be the next one flying through the air."

I shudder as I imagin a pissed off Sakura angry enough to send me through a couple of walls. "Man, she's scary some times."

"Are you two going to pay for my wall!?" A voice yells from the hole. Sai and I face the wall with a red faced old man poking through.

I cross my arms behind my head and let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that!"

Sai bows low with an attempt at a smile."Many apologies. Unfortunately we do not have the funds to pay you."


"Haha... RUN SAI!" I take off running, passing Kakashi and Sakura quickly. I glance behind me and realize Sai is still standing there with a surprised expression on his face. "RUN!" Sai moves out of the way just as the old man swings a broom at him. Sai finally catches on and follows my lead, passing Kakashi and Sakura more quickly than I had.

Kakashi scratches his head with a confused look on his face as his gaze follows Sai. "What are they up to?"

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Sakura grabs Kakashi by the collar of his jacket and drags him behind her as she sprints away from the old man as he starts swinging his broom wildly. "NARUTOOOOO!"

"Don't yell at me! This is your fault!" I spit back at her.

"Sometimes your temper is just as bad as Naruto's" Kakashi strains as he pulls at his jacket collar so he can breath.

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