Chapter Four

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I lean against a large tree to catch my breath. We've been running for over an hour now and fatigue finally started setting in. "Well." Kakashi pants for a second before gulping. "That was a first."

"Well it's not my fault!" Sakura yells as she stares at me, daring me to say something to send her into another flying rage. I know better than that at this point and simply avoid looking her in the eye.

"You did ruin his wall when you punched me through it." Sai states as he looks her in the eye without a hint of fear. Sometimes I envied his lack of emotions.

Sakura's face turns red and she takes a menacing step towards Sai. "If you hadn't asked me abo-" Sakura stops talking suddenly and blushes. "Just... Don't talk to me for a while." Sakura stomps away from the group and sits under a tree, pulling out her journal.

"We're a lot closer to our final destination than we were supposed to be. There should be a village up ahead where we can stay for the night. Let's go." Kakashi takes the lead, not waiting for Sakura to finish up before heading for the village.

"Three rooms please!" Kakashi asks the lady behind the counter.

The lady nods and taps a few buttons on the computer and clicks the mouse a couple of times. "Would you like access to the hot springs?"

"Please!" Sakura and I say together pleadingly. Kakashi simple stares down at us wordlessly. I reach over and punch Sai on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yes." Sai places his hands together pleadingly, copying our "please." 

"Well, if all three of you insist." Kakashi turns to the woman and nods his head. She taps on the keys for a few seconds before she gathers the rest of the information she needs and hands us our room keys.

"I'm definitely going to hit the hot springs first." Sakura says dreamily as we walk down the hall towards our rooms.

I nod my head in agreement, placing my arms behind my head. "Agreed! That run really tired me out."

"Mmm... May I join you, Naruto." Sai says, almost sounding nervous.

I squint at him and poke a finger into his chest. "Fine. But no comments like last time!"

Sakura giggles and covers her mouth. "What comments did he make last time?"

"I made a joke about his sm-" I punch Sai in the jaw where Sakura had hit him earlier.

"Don't hit Sai!" Sakura punches me, sending me spiraling down the hallway; stopping only when I collide with a door.

"Cool it, Sakura. And you both need to stop hitting Sai." Kakashi sighs. "The poor guy can't seem to catch a break with you two."

I rub the spot on my face where Sakura struck me, feeling bad I hit Sai in the same spot. "Sorry, Sensei. Come on, Sai. Let's go."

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