Chapter Eighteen

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I sit in the little hut that we are staying in and stare into a cup of tea as I listen to Naruto sob quietly in the other room. Kakashi left an hour after the sun set to look for Sai, who never came back. I Sigh and fill another cup with tea and set it on a tray and carefully carry it to the room Naruto and Sai are supposed to be sharing.

"Naruto?" I call gently through the door. "I have some tea." He doesn't reply but I know he heard me. The sound of his sobbing becomes muffled and he clears his throat. "I'm coming in." I slide the door open and step into the pitch black room, closing the door behind me. I stand there for a moment to allow my eyes to adjust to the darkness. 

Eventually my eyes adjust and I make my way to a dark lump on the floor and sit down beside it. I pull the covers back to reveal his face which is puffy from crying. "You must think I'm silly."

I shake my head and lift his as I place the cup to his lips. He takes a sip and I lay his head back down gently. "Nothing silly about love." Naruto's eyes widen in surprise and I can't help but laugh. "Kakashi and I knew from the beginning."

"Figures." Naruto turns his head away from me and sniffles.

I place my hand on his shoulder comfortingly and give a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry, Naruto." I can't help it. I start crying. The pain I caused him over something as stupid as money is too much to bare. Especially considering that he always puts everyone, including me, before himself. 

He sits up and gives me a concerned look, making me feel even more guilty and ashamed. "What's wrong?" He uses his thumb to wipe away a tear that's rolling down my cheek.

I shake my head, trying to get the tears that are burning my eyes to stop. "I- I've done something horrible," I whisper. I take a napkin from the trap and wipe my nose. "I'm why Sai and you are fighting..."

Naruto sits in stunned silence and stares blankly at me. After a while he finally speaks, "How?"

"I made a bet with someone... an awful bet. When it looked like I would lose, I..."

"What was the bet?" he asks flatly.


"What did you gain to lose?" His voice is raising higher as he speaks, the anger finally setting in. "What could possibly be worth hurting someone? There was a reason right? You had too..." Naruto places his head in his hands and starts sobbing again.

I place my hand on his shoulder again and stand. "I swear that I will fix this."

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