Chapter Thirteen

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"Sai!?" I shout with my hands cupped around my mouth as I run. "Where are you? Sai!?" I slow to a walk and begin to feel discouraged. If he used his ninjutsu he could be quite a ways ahead.

Not wanting to give up, I start running again. "Sai!?" I shout louder than before. Suddenly something small but hard hits me on the back of my head. I turn around and see Sai sitting lazily in a tree with one leg hanging down as he twirls a leaf between his fingers.

"I can't exactly scout ahead with you making all this ruckus," he says as he lets go of the leaf and watches it blow away in the wind.

I place my hands on my hips and put on the most stern face I can muster. "You had me worried."

"Worried? Can't trust me to take care of myself either?"

"I didn't mean it that way and you know it!"

Sai hops dowm from the tree and walks past me without so much as looking at me. He stops by a tree and peers around it. "Didn't seem that way."

"I panicked," I tell him as I close the distance between us. "I don't remember what happened."

"Figures," Sai scoffs. "You did continue drinking even after I said you had enough."

I lower my head, feeling ashamed. "I was so nervous..."

"And I wasn't?!" Sai says almost angrily.

"You always seem so calm, its hard to tell. Though, that's no excuse." I grab Sai's hand and pull, causing him to spin around and face me. "I'm sorry."

Sai stares at me for a moment like he's trying to decide something. Finally he grabs my other hand and pulls me in, planting a kiss on my lips. "I think I finally understand the power of an apology now," he states after pulling away.

"You're ruining the moment..."  I whisper, pulling him back in and running my fingers through the back of his hair. Sai moans and reaches under my shirt, running his hands up my stomach and to my chest.

We regretfully pull away from each other, knowing that the sounds growing closer are most likely Sakura and Kakashi. "Next chance we get..." Sai nods, seeming as eager as I am.

Sakura and Kakashi emerge from the forest talking in hushed voices. They stop abruptly when they see us. "There you two are. We've be-" Sakura looks bqck and forth between us with inquisitive looks. "Why are you both breathless and blushing?"

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