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Okay but me too though^
June 1, 2016
Dear Taehyung,
(Lol no poem, this shit's depressing)
Everything's going great here. My uncle is very kind. But, Taehyung. Jungkook. He's here with me, he's my step cousin. He's my family. I don't know how to contact you, I don't have a phone.
Jungkook and I caught up on everything, he's the only person I trust besides you. He barely said anything about you, I'm curious as to why.
I miss you. I'm so so sorry l left you. I hope you learn to forgive my lie, after you figure out what happened, anyway.
I don't think I'll see you anytime soon, unfortunately. I'm so guilty about it, it's painful. I didn't want to leave you Kim Taehyung, I promise I didn't. It was best that I didn't tell you, though, because it kept you hopeful. I needed that smile to stay on longer.
I'm starting at my new school tomorrow, I hope the kids there aren't like the ones at your school. My old school.
  I'm nervous, to be honest. I wonder what's going on where you are, I wonder if you've figured it out yet. I'm sorry, Kim Taehyung. So so sorry.
         Park Jimin

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