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May 26, 2016
Dear Taehyung,
People always say
That you should "Watch what you say,"
Because it may hurt others
But then why am I
The only one
Hurting myself
(By @ohsomuchyes)
  I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Even after what Jungkook told me last week, I haven't said a word to you.
  I feel guilty. I did something. I did something that you would hate me for. And I'm sure they'll leave scars.
  I felt so guilty. I hated myself for hurting you, I hated myself for being myself, I hated myself because of what my mom told me, because of what I told myself.
  I have burns. Many, many burns. I found a lighter under my couch as Mother beat the shot out of me. And I burned myself with tears in my eyes at midnight every night this week. You would be so mad at me.
  They hurt. Really bad. All over my arms and some on my legs. I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself. I hurt you and I deserved the same thing, only worse. I thought maybe it would be called even but the lighter in my pocket still calls my name.
  I saw you cry today. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry. Im too afraid of everything to go see you or hug you. I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so much and I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry. Please help me.
          Park Jimin

  Taehyung was so broken down. His friends had to be careful with him, Jimin wouldn't speak to him, he wouldn't even look at him.
  What did I do?! Constantly popped up in his head. He missed Jimin and he loved him, too. Jimin was his best friend and he thought things were going well with him. Apparently not.
  So today, he cried. He couldn't help it when the tears slid down his cheeks. Because he saw Jimin and Jimin looked beyond sad and he was beyond sad and he missed his Jimin. So he cried.
And he's crying on his bed right now, wasting thoughts on someone who never cared for him.
  Taehyung was done being sad. It was now time for him to be mad. So he burst through the doors on Thursday morning and did something that if someone had told him a day ago, he would've told them they were crazy.

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