
347 31 1

May 27, 2016
Dear Taehyung
To love a person is to
See all of their magic,
And to remind them
Of it when they have
(Credit to owner[s])
  What was that?
         Park Jimin

  Taehyung bursts through the door of his homeroom, immediately spotting the small boy, writing in his little notebook, with his little glasses planted on his face.
  He stomped over to Jimin in rage, the boy looking up to him with a shocked expression.
  "No!" Taehyung screamed. Jimin's hoodie fell past his chubby hands as he quickly put his notebook away. He quickly went to stammer something out but he was interrupted by his friend.
  "I said no! You can't do this! You can't just stop talking to me because y-you! You were my friend- no are!" Everyone's heads were turned to the pair, Jimin shrinking in his place.
  Jimin stayed quiet. Taehyung towered over him with an angry face that obviously scared the boy.
  "I've been so sad and upset and it is not fair, Park Jimin! You don't get to act like my friend one minute and then hate me the next! Decide what you want!" He spat out. Jimin gulped nervously. Taehyung did feel a little guilty, embarrassing him like that, but he can deal with it. He's hurt Taehyung, who's done nothing to him.
  "T-Tae, look it's n-no-"
  "Then what is it?!" Tae screamed impatiently. He deserved this much, his heart was truly in pieces because of this boy.
  Tae stayed standing, not caring that everyone was there. But Jimin was starting to look a little off and he was starting to feel regret. Why would he ever say those things to him?
  "I-I'm having s-some issues an-and I'm not doing so w-well, but I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, Tae." Tae's mouth fell open. He didn't know what to say because it was Jimin. And Jimin was having issues and Jimin was not doing so well and Jimin had tears in his eyes and it was Jimin. But it was his precious Jimin.
  Nothing mattered anymore, not their past, not everyone around them, only Jimin.
  So he moved a step closer, Jimin worriedly eyeing him. And he kissed him.
  He kissed Park Jimin because he wanted to kiss his tears away, he wanted to kiss his worries away, he wanted to kiss his problems away, he wanted to kiss his stutters away, and he wanted to kiss all of his apologies away.
  Of course everyone stared at them, wide-eyed but no one did anything. On one hand, they were too shocked and on the other hand, they could tell it was necessary.
  Their eyes fluttered closed as Jimin kissed him back. After they broke apart, they just looked at each other. Jimin had tears in his eyes and Taehyung had a small grin.
  A few girls clapped and a few guys made remarks but they just continued to stare at each other.
  Now, it was Taehyung's turn to leave. He felt guilty as he walked down the steps of his school. Jimin didn't deserve this, this is only what he's been doing to Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't have the guts to say a word, much less deal with what people would do to him for kissing a boy.
  It was Korea, and nobody but his friends accepted he was gay. He couldn't handle homophobia and he had to leave. He was too scared to speak to Jimin anyways.
  Jimin stood, shocked at his situation. He just had his first kiss, in front of literally everybody in his class.
  Oh, no no no no no! This can't be happening, he thought as he fell back to his seat. He imagined what the popular guys would do to him. But mostly, he was worried about Tae.
  He just left and Jimin had no clue as to why. He kissed him and left, why would he do that? He thought that maybe they had moved past their bad times but when he left, he thought otherwise.
  Tae never came back and Jimin was hesitating to leave school. The jocks would for sure beat him up and he had no back up. No one came up to him, not even Tae's friends. He had no one to walk home with but the lovely football team who just witnessed him kiss a guy.
  So he walked as fast as he could, trying to leave the school and get home because his mom was nothing compared to a whole bunch of jocks.
  But Jackson Wang grabbed him by the collar in the middle of the halls.
  The rest of the football team was behind him, watching with anticipation, probably eager to smash Jimin's face in.
  "Looky What we have here, boys, a Stray fag!" Jimin cringed at his vocabulary, that wasn't even smart.
  "Beat him, Jacks!" I heard a yell from behind me. Damn it.
  A nice punch was dealt to his stomach, Jimin hunching over with a series of strangle coughs. And more punches, and more kicks.
  When it was finally over, Jimin tried to get home in a dizzy run. He felt the blood in his mouth, so he coughed it up and spit it out as he ran. He began to stumble over his feet and his vision began to blur.
  But then his mouth said something he hadn't expected and his legs took a turn that wasn't necessary. "Taehyung."
  His bag bounced on his back as he tripped over his feet. He fell on the ground with a silent thud. But his body laid there for a minute, groaning in pain. And then he pushed himself up.
  He got closer and closer to Taehyung's house, the familiar flower bed showed itself. And so did Tae.
A/N: Please leave me comments!!! I love you guys so much! And vote! And keep reading guys! You guys are so awesome!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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