
409 37 0

April 29, 2016
Dear Taehyung,
You are the promise
I made
The moment I stepped into this world
The promise I kept
It's been great. You've hung out with me everyday and everyday we go to your house to see your mom. Your siblings are hilarious and I really like Jinah.
But today was different.
Today you introduced me to your many friends. I couldn't tell if they liked me because some smiled and some glared and some didn't do anything. They confuse me. I'm still not sure if I like them, or if they want me to hang out with you guys.
Of course I didn't say anything to you about it because you were happy when we all hung out and didn't seem to notice how awkward it was. I just let you be happy, I love seeing your smile.
Yoongi didn't seem to trust me. He sent me glares all day but it wasn't the type of glare that sent a message of "Stop talking to my friend" but more "What are you trying to do with my friend?"
I only looked down all day, like the other boys, as you told wild stories. "Taehyung, I'm gonna go home," Jungkook told you and went to leave but you stopped him.
"Wait! I thought maybe we could all stay at my place tonight!" You looked so bright and hopeful and cheery that everyone couldn't help but agree; even Yoongi.
I didn't bother to tell my mom and just grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with a tee and jeans and left the house when she wasn't there.
We all met up at your house after everyone got their stuff, except Yoongi who had no bags and just tagged along with Hoseok to his house.
I ran into Jungkook on my way, though. It was a bit awkward but he was kind of the one I liked the most. "So, Taehyung talks about you a lot. You seem like a cool dude," he told me with a smile. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and I just played with my backpack straps mindlessly.
"Thanks. You too. Do you..." I tried to ask him a question but failed.
"Do I What?" He asked, curiously eyeing me from the side. "Do you think... I've never really talked about this to anyone," I chuckled lightheartedly at my attempts.
"Do you think I have a chance with him?" I finally got out. Your house was in sight but Jungkook answered as if Yoongi and Hoseok weren't only a few yards from us.
"Dude, he's obviously whipped for you. He never stops going on about you, so I'm sure you have a great chance." I brightened at his statement. I actually really like Jungkook. He seems like an awesome dude. "Thanks." I smiled at him before we both laughed off the conversation.
We greeted the other two boys who were in a deep conversation about something that didn't seem so serious. Hoseok was so cheery all the time it wasn't odd to see him wearing a wide smile.
The four of us walked in the house and Mom greeted all of us with tight hugs. "My favorite boys! The others are in Taehyung's room!"
We thanked her before leaving up stairs, saying hi to Jinah as we passed her open bedroom.
"...gi obviously doesn't lik-" is all I heard before you noticed us walk in your room. You were laying on your bed, on your stomach, talking to Seokjin and Namjoon.
We all put our bags by your door and sat around the room. Of course you already know that I sat on the bed next to you, criss-crossed. You smiled at me, "Hey Jimin!"
I grinned in response and it was silent for a minute. To me, it was obvious you guys have had many sleepovers and I felt like I was intruding. Everyone's eyes seemed glued to me, the elephant in the room. It was bad.
After a while, it seemed you figured out something to do. "Okay, let's play two truths and a lie, since we barely know each other."
I almost forgot they weren't your childhood friends and you only met them a few weeks ago but you were all so close.
Hoseok nodded before starting. "Okay, um. 1. I like pineapple pizza, 2. I'm straight, and 3. My sir name is Jung." Everyone thought for a minute before Jungkook spoke up. "The lie is you like pineapple pizza, I mean who likes pineapple pizza!"
Hoseok laughed and shook his head, "I'm not straight!" Everyone laughed and you grabbed a pillow to hit Jungkook. "I like pineapple pizza!"
Everyone, including me, laughed. "Okay I'll go next!" Yoongi volunteered. This is the first time I've seen him so fun and easy and chill, while usually he was up tight and cold and relaxed.
"1. I'm a virgin, 2. I'm gay, 3. My favorite colors are black and white. Go." He smirked at everyone, who was deep in thought. Of course Namjoon was the one to guess first. "No way in hell you're a virgin!" I laughed at this, others joining. Everyone already knew it was true.
"Jimin, go," you directed. I thought for a second, humming in thought.
"1. I have straight As, 2. I like guys, 3. My parents are still together." You all furrowed their eyebrows. You guys obviously knew nothing about me, I guess that's what happens when you never talk to the school loser.
"Okay," Seokjin spoke up. "No way you have straight As," he concluded. I was about to tell him he was wrong but you beat me to it. "The last one!" I nodded. Of course you would know something like that, even though I never told you.
This only made me fall harder. God, I think I'm in love.
Park Jimin

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